22 September 2012

Rising Above

I know most of my posts lately have been mostly pictures, but it is difficult to actually sit down and write anything lengthy when entertaining a teething 4 and half month old. :) But there are things that have been weighing quite heavy on my heart and although I can't get specific, I feel the need to vent just a little. Being a mother is TRULY amazing.  And being a Stay At Home Mother is the best thing I could ever hope for. In fact, life just can't get much better and I am truly happy, even on the days when I want to tear my hair out. And I do have those occasionally. But there are some things that are just not as I hoped they would be, and they have nothing to do with my son....or my wonderful, hardworking and supportive husband. (Of course we have our days, but who doesn't).  It is just painful when you expectations of others get shattered and there really isn't anything you can do about it because the only person you can control is yourself. My boy is such a happy spirit with such a beautiful disposition and I can't imagine anyone not wanting to spend every second with him.  My prayer for him as that as he gets older, Chip and I are able to shower him with such love and affection, that he will know he is the love of our life and that will make up for hurts he may ever feel.  How to address hurts? As I am learning, it is not the easiest thing in the world. Is it better to discuss them, and then be even more hurt when nothing changes or is it better just try to rise above it and smile through it. Which of these should we teach our son. Rising above and smiling through results in no change for the better, but sometimes neither does discussion. Prayer has helped me along but I can't help but feel that twinge of hurt with every new action. Ho hum. What's a girl to do? Shine it on? B*tch and moan? I have been doing a little of both. Maybe it is time to try something different.

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