Well, we made it! 37 weeks and officially in the clear for our home birth! I am both relieved and excited….and if I am being honest, totally ready for these twins to make their appearance! From all the research of I have done (and that has been A LOT!) a majority of twins are born between 37 and 38 weeks and this Mama, though I love being pregnant, is really ready to have these babies earthside.
My midwife appointments are now weekly and I had a great one this week! I had grappled with the idea of doing pelvic checks this time around. With my pregnancy with Elijah they proved to be a source of frustration and I believe ultimately is what led my OB to push for induction. I had not planned on doing this time around. However I ended up changing my mind for several reasons. The first is that, let’s face it, I am “type A” personality. I like having the facts and knowing what is going on. It gives me a bit of a sense of control even though I know that ultimately this whole labor and birth dance is up to God. One of my midwives confirmed that she is the same way, type A, really just has to know and that made me feel better….like I was not going to have my “crunchy card” revoked for having a cervical check. Another reason is that I know I have the support (LOTS OF SUPPORT) to handle whatever comes, whether these babies make themselves at home beyond 38 weeks, 39 weeks…..or (eeeek!) 40 weeks, no matter what, my birth team has my back and nothing but natural measures will be taken to bring these babies forward. The last and probably most important reason is that my primary midwife has quite a drive to our home. Although several members of my birth team, including my much loved Shannon who is also one of my midwives, lives within 10 minutes of me, Darlene is in League City, an hour away in no traffic so it was helpful to have this information to give us a clue about how fast labor might go. Again, we know that ultimately it is all guesses but educated guesses. So what did we find? Well, as I like to put it, Baby A is locked and loaded. I am already dilated to 2 cm, I am 80% effaced (which refers to the thinning of the cervix) and (get this) I am at –1 station! This refers to the babies position in relation to the pubic bone. Think of it as 0 being the finish line. In order to be born, he has to go at +3 past the finish line. 0 station is the actual pubic bone. They start counting at –3 (which is where Elijah sat until I went into labor). This is the part that is the most awesome. Even when I was 7 cm dilated in labor with Elijah, he was still at just –2. So the fact that Rory (Baby A) has dropped this far into position is fantastic and also indicates the possibility of a pretty fast labor. Darlene instructed me DO NOT WAIT LONG to call her to come. I had though Rory had dropped as I felt some achiness in my nether regions that I had not felt before but I didn’t want to get too excited. Both babies positions are “perfect”. We continue to be the ideal twin HBAC (Home Birth After Cesarean) candidates.
How am I feeling? Well, tired. Sore. Achy. Really just stuff that must be attributed to the “two baby” factor because I still have no swelling (still wearing my rings and my own shows and even some of my pre pregnancy yoga pants, with the waist under my belly. But sleeping has taken a whole new level of blah. Between contractions, ligament pain from the weight of the babies and peeing, I wake up every hour and laying down is sometimes painful. I’m having a lot of back aches and period like cramping. Since Rory has moved from my left side to dead center, Patrick has been pushed even further up and is way up in front of my ribs and tends to crush them when I have contractions. Naps are just now becoming a necessity. This week I got everything done pretty much. Thanks to a generous gift from some friends, our house was cleaned top to bottom! And Everything has been set for babies so really, WE ARE READY! This is nice for me because I feel like I really can nap when Elijah does now and I’m not bailing out on my “to dos”. There are still a few things I will do (hang birth affirmations, wrap Elijah’s gifts for the twins with him, wrap his big brother present etc) this week but all are small and can easily be done in early labor if necessary. Twins seem to develop earlier than singletons, organs including lungs mature faster, to compensate for a shorter gestation. I have looked at countless web sites and twin data spreadsheets and so we have started praying (and asking others to pray) that if they are ready, these babies make their appearance this week. We pray for healthy babies, born at home…..this week! Mentally I am prepared to go until whenever but my heart (and body) are so ready and you better believe I will be trying every old wives tale in the book by week’s end.
Baby bump looking even lower than last week.
Ready when you are, Patrick and Rory!
In love with my boys.
This week we also had a fun treat. At Chip’s work, when some (or someone’s spouse) is expecting, they buy a piggy bank and pass it around for college fund donations (at least that is what we use it for.). With Elijah they sent the bank home with Chip and he didn’t know about any sort of celebration. This time around, they had a cupcake party for us and Elijah and I attended after our visit to my midwife. It was so sweet and thoughtful and I know it was fun for Chip to show us his new office and show off his first born to his co workers. Apparently he received many compliments after we left about how well behaved Elijah is. *Beaming with pride*
Yummy cupcakes from Oooo Lala.
A thoughtful co worker of Chip’s, Courtney, made gluten free for Elijah and me!
Rory’s Piggy Bank.
Patrick’s piggy bank.
Elijah loved playing with the balloons!
Elijah and Daddy having a big time.
Week 37 was a busy week for us. I am looking forward to a slower paced week 38 though we have a few things planned so we can do more than sit around and wait for labor to come. But it is nice to know that everything is done and we are in the “safe” zone. I’m hoping my next belly picture is the one I take when labor starts! But we will see……..
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