12 January 2014

A Date Night and Elijah’s First Sleepover


Chip and I decided that we really needed a good date night before the arrival of the twins. We know that once they get here, it will be several months or more before we will be able to break away as a twosome since first of all I plan to exclusively breast feed and second, it is a lot more to ask for someone (even grandparents) to watch three babies as opposed to one.  Chip’s mom had wanted Elijah to try a sleep over without us since he will be going over to their house during our birth so we all decided that this was the perfect opportunity to try that out! So Chip and I got decked out (as much as one can get decked out at 35+ weeks pregnant!), packed up our little boy’s overnight bag and headed to the Senior Parishes house!


Elijah was all set for his first night away from home without Mama! He carried his bag in all by himself!


He is such a big boy but still looks so little to his Mama.


My outdoor boy had a great time playing with Grandmother outside!


My thoughtful mother in law sent pictures throughout the evening which I LOVED because I could not stop thinking about my baby. Here he is helping Granddad feed the birds!


Outdoor time at Grandmother and Granddad’s is so much fun for Elijah.


Elijah did so well and the only tears were right before bed when Daddy and Mama were not there to give him his good night kisses. But he settled quickly and went to sleep. In the morning, he got Grandmother up bright an early at 6am and they had breakfast! Meanwhile, Mama and Daddy were at home getting ready for church, counting the time until they got to hug and kiss their little boy again!



Chip and I were so excited about our night out! We had both been sick for about a week and it was nice to get dressed up and actually put on some make up! I felt almost like my old self!


Our first stop was a yummy dinner at Taste of Texas! There was a 30 minute wait but we didn’t mind. It was a nice chance to visit and enjoy a “mocktail”. I had my usual Shirley Temple.


Dinner was so yummy! We had a great waiter who shared that twins also run in his family. You’d be surprised how much we hear that now. Smile 

After dinner we attended a “Christmas” social for my Mothers Of Multiples group. They plan this party for after the holidays for members and spouses so that more can attend without interfering with all the other holiday plans. Chip really enjoyed meeting this group.  I love that I was able to join MOMS in October and have gotten advice and support from these awesome ladies before our twins even arrive. It is an awesome, welcoming group that I look forward to seeing every month! We were busy socializing and enjoying the fellowship so I didn’t break out the camera for this part of the evening.

We left the party around 9pm and headed to a special surprise Chip had planned for me. There is this local cover band called The Chromatics that covers 80’s Pop/New Wave….my favorite kind of music! Chip first saw them on a night out when I was pregnant with Elijah and knew that I would love them. Since then he has been dying for me to see them and it just happened that they were playing on date night! Our good friends JT and Katie met us at the bar where they were playing. Yes, a pregnant lady walked into a bar…… We sat outside away from the smoke and the speakers and just kind of stood by the door so we could see. At the very end of our night (when they started their second set) they played some songs that just begged to be danced to . These were just some of my favorite tunes and so Katie and I walked just inside the doorway so we could dance a little. It was really such a fun night and I am so glad we did all the things we did. I especially loved hearing the music that has been my favorite since grade school!


JT and Katie brought a special surprise for the twins. They had ordered these adorable outfits for our boys! I CANNOT WAIT to put our little ones in these! SO CUTE!!!!!!


The guys!


The Choromatics


We got to chat with the band during a break including Paul (left) who dresses like my FAVORITE new wave star, Robert Smith of The Cure! They got a kick out of my baby bump.

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