06 January 2014

Nesting, Birth Prep and a Health Discovery

I have been so excited and anxious to get Elijah’s new room set up and the twins’ nursery ready. With the holidays and business of every day life, it seems to be happening very slowly. Elijah has been in his new room for a couple of weeks. As soon as Chip hangs his wall décor, I will take photos and do a post on his room….and how much he loves it!

During his Christmas break, Chip was able to put together our crib and our dresser for the new babies. This was no small undertaking as both pieces of furniture came in…..pieces.  But my hubby, ever the handy man, was game for the task and did a fantastic job! Now as we are just a little over 5 weeks from my due date and a little over two weeks from when everything really needs to be done, I am putting it into high gear. (Well, as much as I can since I seemed to have caught ANOTHER head cold as of Saturday evening!). Today was spent washing and setting up the twins’ bedding and getting some odds and ends in order as much as I can.


Chip worked hard on that dresser! Elijah helped.


Elijah loves to help his Daddy.


Elijah is enjoying his glider in his new room (Full blog post with pictures to come soon!)


Daddy hard at work completing the crib!


The finished product complete with nice clean bedding!


I love this mobile. I fell in love with this cozy set the moment I saw it and found an awesome 15 piece deal on Amazon!


Sweet baby bed all ready for my boys.


Shelves all ready and full of blankets and supplies. The lamp on the top was my Dad’s given to me by Gran when we went to visit last winter.


There is also a lamp that matches the set that will go on the changing table with a very dim bulb.


Super soft blankets from Chip’s parents for our twins. I love the monkeys that match the bedding!


Today I also have been working on getting our bedroom set up and ready for our home birth. My ideal is to have the birth tub in our bedroom but we will find out at our home visit next week if that is best or if it will be downstairs. For now, I am having everything organized in our room for safe keeping. I went through our birth supplies that I ordered from In His Hands and was so excited to see all the things that would be part of bringing our babies safely into this side of the world. Every little thing that gets done brings us one step closer to ready!


This was the labor prayer that was included in the box. I just love it.



We managed to find a really good deal on a new birth tub liner through a home birth group I am in on Facebook.


Sweet keepsake birth certificates for my boys, just like they would get in a hospital.



All the ordered supplies fit nicely into my tote!


Another new development this week was finding out the results of my bloodwork that I had done through my midwife. First of all, I found out that I am once again low on iron. This just means I really need to be diligent about my red meat consumption and use of my iron skillet and continue to take my iron pills. (Though naturally occurring iron in food is best). I’m glad we found this out because it is important that those numbers go up before I go into labor.  The other testing that was flagged was a genetic testing that was done for MTHFR testing which  tested “POSITIVE FOR TWO COPIES OF THE C677T MUTATION.” What does this mean? Honestly, I just found out yesterday and I am still learning but basically my body has a hard time processing Folic Acid.  There are a list of issue that can be caused by this genetic mutation including cancer, dementia, autism, depression, INSOMNIA!, the list goes on and on.  This is a problem that is recognized and treated by western medicine but not widely tested for. There are prescriptions that are offered that help manage this but there are dietary changes that see far superior results. My midwife recommended I cut out all gluten and cow dairy. (Oddly this is something I strive for anyway though dairy has become part of my pregnancy diet). It is also hereditary so recommended that Elijah follow the same diet (he already does…..something about mother’s intuition!).  Like I said, I am still learning about this disorder and am looking forward to meeting with my midwife next week so we can discuss in person and I can ask the million questions I have. In the meantime, she sent me some links that offer information on this issue.




If anyone reading this has experience with this issue, I would love to hear from you! This is the beginning of a journey for me as far as what this means for me and for my children who could potentially be affected by it. For now, I am following the dietary guidelines and reexamining my supplements. I will keep posting more as I learn more!

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