14 January 2014

Elijah’s New Room!


With the impending arrival of our two youngest boys, there has been lots of change in the Parish home. I decided that the nursery would remain the nursery and Elijah would move into our spare bedroom. The walk in closet lends itself to storage of all things baby and it is attached to the bathroom which is super convenient for taking showers with babies in their crib. It also has its own sink right in the room which is awesome for sanitizing and diaper mishaps among other things. Elijah moved into his new room about a month ago (and loves it!) but I wanted to wait until we got everything hung before we documented it. He really is enjoying his room and has actually been sleeping great! This is a big change for him because up until then, I had been in the room with him, co sleeping until I had two weeks of bedrest at the beginning of this pregnancy and then room sharing until a month ago. This worked out great for us. I loved the time together cuddling and it was super convenient for breast feeding. But as my belly got bigger, and I knew I wanted Patrick and Rory to enjoy the same attachment and nursing convenience, we knew it was time for Elijah to have his own room, without Mama.

We are so blessed for so many reasons, not least of which is how adaptable Elijah is. Every change that has come, he has taken in stride with very little, most of the time no, resistance. I’m not sure where he gets this trait from because I have a hard time with change. Something I can learn from my son, perhaps?We have established a new bedtime routine that works great and even naps have become so much easier. He has become the expert self soother, puts himself to sleep for naps. Sometimes it takes him 30-40 minutes but there are never tears. And though we still (and will continue to) monitor him when he sleeps, there is rarely a reason to go into his room until it is time to wake up. This is not to say we don’t have our occasional nights where he wakes up at 3am and takes FOREVER to go back to sleep but really it is a rare occasion. And once in a while his 2-3 hour naps will be shortened to something ridiculous like an hour or so but again, that is the exception. So proud of our boy and his sleep independence!


I just love this wall with maternity/baby pictures and his Winnie The Pooh quote. I can’t believe he was every that little. This will remind him that he was once a baby too!


My little boy still loves to be rocked. He even asked to be rocked and snuggle when he wakes up from sleep. He enjoys nightly story time with Daddy and Mama reads him lots of books. Such a cozy little corner. That small rocking chair used to be Chips and Elijah loves it!


Sweet teddy bear corner with his baby foot/hand prints and his cross that he received when he was Christened.


Not quite ready for a toddler bed, Elijah still enjoys the security of his crib. I love his Winnie The Pooh cell that Granddad won him at a church auction!


Another shot of that wall. I love the quarterly footprints of Elijah’s first year made for me by my creative friend, Jessica.


And there’s my sweet boy. He knows that the pacifier is for bedtime and naps only and gives it to us before he comes out of his crib. Such a good boy!

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