20 September 2012

Photo Shoot: Feeding My Baby

Elijah and I have an incredible nursing relationship. He has been a champion from the very beginning and I have become more and more comfortable (thanks to a supportive husband and supportive mom friends) putting his needs first and foremost, throwing caution to the wind and letting him nurse whenever and wherever he wishes, even without a cover! (Though I still do use a cover in certain places, like church and around male family members because that is what I am comfortable with). But I look back at the past four months and Elijah and I really have gotten down to nursing in lots places...the beach, the airport, airplanes, parks, schools, restaurants. I usually have Chip snap a picture or two when we are nursing someplace new that I would like to make into a photo book as sort of a scrapbook of our nursing but I also wanted to get some more professional looking shots.  Opportunity knocked on the door yesterday when Heather showed up with her camera and we got some great pictures!  Heather is starting a new job and has some time off for the next week and a half and since her boys are in school...she has some free time! Yay!  I am so excited to have some beautiful shots of this precious time with my son.
I love how he looks up at me when I am feeding him

I know I am going to so miss this 

Precious moments with my boy

Sweet baby

My happy place

His happy place :)

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