11 September 2012

Close to Crawling!

Elijah has been getting close to crawling. It has been amazing to watch this little person grow up so fast.  He loves to explore and is so fascinated withe the world around him, just dying to be a part of it all.  He has a tummy time mat from my mother that he spends lots of time on. When we first got it, he did not like to be on his tummy very long and would start to "object" after five or ten minutes. Now, he is so excited by all the different colors and toys, the only time he begins to get unhappy is when he can't get to a certain point on the mat. He is developing so fast.  I am so happy that he is so well adjusted and smart, but it is also going by so fast. I am excited and amazed at every milestone but my, how time flies. I remember how slowly my pregnancy went because I COULD NOT WAIT to hold my baby! Now that he is here, four months has gone by like a week!  I am very excited that he seems so close to crawling. I think that will be a cool milestone. But the independence will be bittersweet. On one hand, I feel like I may be able to get a little more done because he will be able to entertain himself a little more, on the other hand, it means he needs me a little less. Now, I know he is still just a little baby and he will need me for years and years to come, I am just being a sentimental Mama.  And as any sentimental Mama would do, I took some video and photos of Elijah's crawling practice. :)   
"Here I go Mama! I am going to come get you!"
Kicking those feet!
"I can push up so tall! I am going to figure this crawling thing out soon!"
Such a sweet boy!
"I told you I was coming for you Mama!"
I love you handsome boy. 

I can't wait to see what is in store for us next!

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