21 September 2012

Photos In The Park

This is the final post of Wednesday's photo shoot. We got so many great pictures out of it and I can't wait to get some printed and up on our walls! Elijah is such a great sport about it all.  He just smiles away!

"I see you Mama!"

"What are you doing way over there Mommy?"

Aw, look at those cute little feet sticking up!

"I can sit up like the big kids!"

We had to give him Winnie The Pooh to hold because he kept wanting to put the blanket in his mouth. Ahhh, teething. 

"I see you!"

Mmmmm, sweet baby kisses. 

This one came out a little blurry but I still love it. 

He loved watching the cars drive by...especially the big trucks like Daddy's. 

Smiling with my sweet boy

My favorite kid of cuddles. 

After we took the nursing pictures, Elijah fell asleep. It had been a busy day. 

Great opportunity for some napping photos!

I love naps with my guy. 

The sweetest little feet....and they are getting so big!

I love how these turned out! This pooh hat box is part of his room decor and made a great prop!

"Christopher Robin" as a baby. :)

Big smiles!

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