13 September 2012

Elijah's First Cubs Game and the Astro's Last

Anyone who knows Chip Parish is aware of his die hard love for anything Chicago, but especially the Cubs! Well last night was bittersweet for my beloved as it was the last Cubs game to be played in Houston since the American and National League teams are being moved around a bit. It was very important to Chip to take advantage of the chance to take his son to a Cubs game...and since we have no immediate plans to visit Chicago in the near future, his only shot was last night's game. Elijah and I picked him up from work at 4:30 for a 7pm game and so we arrived VERY early. In fact, the Cubs were still having their batting practice. This was by far the coolest baseball experience ever, even for me who is not a big sports fan. (though I do enjoy live baseball games. I grew up going to see the Phillies play at Veteran Stadium!).  Anyway, we were able to walk down right behind the Cubs dugout and get baseball's signed and watch them practice. What a memorable family evening! And I know it will be an experience Chip and Elijah will discuss in years to come, even though Elijah will not remember. LUCKILY FOR HIM, they brought their paparazzi (and milk bar!) and I took plenty of photos of the evening. The Cubs were very accommodating and we got EIGHT signatures on a foul ball that someone near us caught and gave to Elijah.

Elijah was a big hit, all decked out in his blue and white Cubs stripes.  My heart was beaming as people smiled and commented on his cuteness. He was our typical Angel Baby and smiled and cooed away. He stared in awe at the lights and the big screen.  It was a great night for us all. We left at the bottom of the fourth inning since it was past Elijah's bedtime. As we were about to leave, Chip said he was hesitant because something might happen that is amazing but he can't say what because it might jinx it. Without thinking I blurted out "What? A no hitter?".....Smiled smile a big Cheshire Cat grin and said he could not believe that I SAID IT OUTLOAD! I know nothing of sports but THAT I know! Of course, I jinxed it and the no hitter was not to be. Sorry Cubbies. My bad! :)

"Alright Mama, no pictures, let's go!"

"Just chilling with my dog"

Elijah is starting to pet Wrigley and I love it. He is very gentle with him too although sometimes he grabs the skin on his face but Wrigley is a good sport. He loves his baby.

All ready for game time!

I just can't get enough of that big grin!

My Angel Baby

My two loves....nothing sexier than a baby wearing husband!

We started out watching "BP" from the Crawford Box. 

Looking good, Daddy!

Elijah smiled at EVERYONE!

Daddy showing Elijah what he wants to be when he grows up. :)

First signature on our foul ball. (Bear with me. I don't know any names)

Matching Cubbies!

I LOVE how this one turned out. Perfectly captures the look of "awe" on Elijah's face. 

Watching the big boys play ball!

Another signature!

....and another. These guys were SO NICE! I am a Cubs fan now because they were so friendly!

Happy family doing yet another cool outing together. (Chip and I seriously get to do some pretty cool stuff!)

More signatures for Elijah's ball!

This was really so cool!

Mama was so happy to get to our seats and hold her baby again! :) What a great night!

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