27 September 2012

Adventures in Babywearing: The Beco Gemini

The Beco Gemini is a soft structured carrier and IT IS AWESOME! It is more heavily padded than my Ergo...there fore a little hotter but very comfortable. I keep it in my car and use it when I will be doing a lot of walking, especially indoors like shopping, etc. It doesn't work as well for sitting down like in restaurants so I reserve that for my K'tan and Ring Slings.  But the Beco is great for everything else. It is super easy to get Elijah in and out of and it is the only SSC that you can face the baby out which Elijah loves.  It is also very Daddy friendly.

 You can also wear him on your back in this carrier but I prefer my woven wraps and Ergo for back carrys. I like to keep my Beco adjusted for comfortable front carrys. The Beco is a little larger than the Ergo so Elijah was a little bigger when he started riding in it but one of the great features is that the back of it folds up for head support if needed. This is great if you will be doing a lot of bending over (like if you are doing laundry).  We use the Beco almost every day (along with the Ergo and K'tan).

Ready to do some serious shopping with Mama!

Forward facing so he can see all the action!

Baby wearing Daddy!
Snoozing during our monthly Trader Joe's visit!

Not the best option for eating out

26 September 2012

Five Months Old!

Well here we are, five months since Elijah was born and life is beautiful. Every day with him is such a blessing, though of course, some are harder than others. Teething is in full swing and there are days when he is just not a happy camper. I have tried a number of different soothers and natural analgesics and am starting to figure out what works for him at different times. It is definitely a learning process. Elijah began sitting up about two and a half weeks ago and is still SO CLOSE to crawling.  He continues to say "Mom" when he feels distressed and I am beginning to believe that he associates that with me.  He seems to try to say it at other, non stressful times but it is still a work in progress. He loves his excersaucer and loves to play with his toys while sitting (unsupported) on the floor. He has started to "help" me when I change him. He grabs his feet and sometimes legs, and pulls them back while I wipe him and re-diaper. It is SO CUTE! Sometimes he does it automatically and sometimes I say "Help Mama" or "Grab them" and he will do it on command, with a big smile!  Elijah also has begun experimenting with solids. We are following Baby Led Weaning and have followed his ques and milestones which have all signified that he is ready to experiment.  I have given him the vegetables that have been included in our dinner. So far he has had baked sweet potato that I sliced into "fries", baked zucchini and avocado.  We did offer him a "french toast" stick, gluten free since I am now following those guidelines, but I prefer to stick to veggies for now and then will add some fruit in another month or two. So far he is not ingesting very much but that is part of the philosophy of BLW....Food Before One, Just For Fun!  He is free to take his time with his solids and grow at his own pace.

My big boy just keeps getting bigger too! At our five month doctor's appointment today, Elijah weighed in at 17 pounds, 1 ounce and 29 inches long. He has been consistently gaining about a pound a month since he was two months old with no signs of slowing down. This morning, bright and early, I took our 5 month photos and some pictures of him "helping mama".

"I'm a big boy at five months old!"
"I love getting my picture every month with Mr. Bear!"

He makes such funny faces. This was too silly to pass up!

I wonder if this will be a toothy grin next month :)

My big boy sitting tall!

He loves his feet!

Help Mama!

Such a big help!

 I hope he is this helpful when he is a teenager! :)

25 September 2012

Grandma's Little Zebra

Elijah's Grandma Parish rejoined the workforce this year at the library of a brand new elementary school called Zwink.  This week, they had  a book fair and so we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to take a look at the school, pick out a few books and get some Grandma time all at once! We had been planning on making a visit to the school and I wanted to make sure Elijah showed his school spirit so I have a zebra print onesie that I had been saving for this very day. And to make it even better, I applied a "My Grandma Loves Me" iron on! Now even I have to admit that animals prints are pretty girly.......so we "boyed" Elijah up with his very manly Chicago Cubs ball cap!And was a really fun day complete with some much needed Grandma time and lots of smiles for the ladies at the elementary school!  This baby just loves people!

Mama and Elijah in matching black and white!

Stopped by to pick up Grandma for today's big adventure!

This baby is ready for some book fair fun!

Elijah's custom Zebra/Grandma shirt!

Smiles for the ladies in the office!


Thank you for a fun day, Grandma!

22 September 2012

Rising Above

I know most of my posts lately have been mostly pictures, but it is difficult to actually sit down and write anything lengthy when entertaining a teething 4 and half month old. :) But there are things that have been weighing quite heavy on my heart and although I can't get specific, I feel the need to vent just a little. Being a mother is TRULY amazing.  And being a Stay At Home Mother is the best thing I could ever hope for. In fact, life just can't get much better and I am truly happy, even on the days when I want to tear my hair out. And I do have those occasionally. But there are some things that are just not as I hoped they would be, and they have nothing to do with my son....or my wonderful, hardworking and supportive husband. (Of course we have our days, but who doesn't).  It is just painful when you expectations of others get shattered and there really isn't anything you can do about it because the only person you can control is yourself. My boy is such a happy spirit with such a beautiful disposition and I can't imagine anyone not wanting to spend every second with him.  My prayer for him as that as he gets older, Chip and I are able to shower him with such love and affection, that he will know he is the love of our life and that will make up for hurts he may ever feel.  How to address hurts? As I am learning, it is not the easiest thing in the world. Is it better to discuss them, and then be even more hurt when nothing changes or is it better just try to rise above it and smile through it. Which of these should we teach our son. Rising above and smiling through results in no change for the better, but sometimes neither does discussion. Prayer has helped me along but I can't help but feel that twinge of hurt with every new action. Ho hum. What's a girl to do? Shine it on? B*tch and moan? I have been doing a little of both. Maybe it is time to try something different.

21 September 2012

Adventures In Babywearing: Didymos Lilies Tussah Silk Woven Wrap

 I was so excited to purchase my first woven wrap! I had used the Moby which is stretchy but after trying on several wovens at North Houston Babywearers Meetings, I found that I liked the feel of the silk/cotton blend and was anxious to find one! I lucked out on The Babywearing Swap on Facebook and found a BARELY used Didymos Lillies Tussah Silk Wrap which I later learned is a more rare and sought after wrap. It is beautiful! And Elijah really seems to like it as well!  I only know a few different "carrys" right now but I am enjoying the Rucksack back carry the best, though it is really neat to be able to nurse in this as well. One of the seasoned babywearing veterans (Thanks Krystal!) showed me how to do that and I LOVE IT!  Wrapping is definitely not for everyone and when I need something quick and easy, like when I go grocery shopping, I rely on soft structured carriers and ring slings,  but wrapping definitely has a place in our lives. It is great for around the house. Today I threw Elijah on my back and got a lot more done! I am still learning and I know as I get more comfortable with wrapping, I will incorporate this carrier into more areas of our life and it will help my bond with Elijah while getting more done.   Next on the list is a Gypsy Mama Bali Breeze Wrap! Maybe for Christmas. :)
Elijah seems to like the new view! 

I am able to get him a lot higher than I can with my SSC's which he seems to enjoy

I like being cheek to cheek with him when I turn my head

Practicing a front carry!

Rear view....not exactly even but we are still learning

A way to nurse in the woven wrap. It was awesome! Elijah was so comfy, he fell asleep

Photos In The Park

This is the final post of Wednesday's photo shoot. We got so many great pictures out of it and I can't wait to get some printed and up on our walls! Elijah is such a great sport about it all.  He just smiles away!

"I see you Mama!"

"What are you doing way over there Mommy?"

Aw, look at those cute little feet sticking up!

"I can sit up like the big kids!"

We had to give him Winnie The Pooh to hold because he kept wanting to put the blanket in his mouth. Ahhh, teething. 

"I see you!"

Mmmmm, sweet baby kisses. 

This one came out a little blurry but I still love it. 

He loved watching the cars drive by...especially the big trucks like Daddy's. 

Smiling with my sweet boy

My favorite kid of cuddles. 

After we took the nursing pictures, Elijah fell asleep. It had been a busy day. 

Great opportunity for some napping photos!

I love naps with my guy. 

The sweetest little feet....and they are getting so big!

I love how these turned out! This pooh hat box is part of his room decor and made a great prop!

"Christopher Robin" as a baby. :)

Big smiles!