26 December 2012

Eight Months Old

Elijah turned eight months old the day after Christmas.What a month it has been!!! It is amazing to watch him slowly develop (Okay not so slowly) from baby into a young toddler. We still have several months before official toddlerhood but where did my baby go? Every day he is more and more independent. His problem solving skills are flourishing! I use his excersaucer to barricade him in the living room area and he has figured out how to slip through it and "escape".  He took his first steps on Christmas morning and has taken several since then and a few weeks ago, he got his first tooth! He continues to loves Mama's milk and is a champion co-sleeper though we still struggle with independent naps and nursing is the only way we achieve this. Elijah is eating two meals a day of solids and sometimes a snack or two. But, again, nursing is still his main source of nourishment and will continue to be for the next few months. Chip and I have started trying to guide Elijah and help him learn boundaries.  He is in the early stages of this but we do believe he understands us and actually listens a majority of the time when we guide him.  I am reading a book called Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood  and LOVE IT! It is all about giving children choices and empathy to help guide them and help them make the right choices without yelling and anger.  I am working on the using some of these techniques even now because, as the book shares, it is never too early to begin. I can see such determination and willpower in our little man which tells me he will be one of those people that can do anything he sets his mind too. I want to nurture this but I also want to make sure that he understands rules and boundaries.  Such a balance. I have seen out of control children and I know that is not something I am interested in. Elijah has such a sweet, happy and loving disposition and this is what I hope continues to be his defining characteristics.    He is also very eager to learn and loves to explore his little world. He loves animals but especially dogs and birds. He loves people but definitely has a preference for Mama and Daddy which I love. Nothing feels better than when Elijah climbs up in my lap or crawls with such purpose over to us. I hope and pray that he continues to find such comfort with Chip and me.

"I'm coming your way, Mama!"

"You're so silly"

"Hey, we are running out of room on this chair!"

I can totally see more little boy in him and less baby. So bittersweet. 

He is always cracking up. :) I just love it. 

I managed to get a GREAT shot of the new tooth!

Such a big boy. 
Elijah, you impress me more and more every day with your intelligence and happiness and you bring so much joy into our lives. You are the most incredible baby I have every known and I love you from here to the moon. Love, Mama.

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