07 December 2012

A Christmas Party and a Cameo Appearance

Every year, Chip and I look forward to the annual Christmas party at his work. Normally it is catered on their property but this year it was held at the awesome Northwest Conference center FIVE MINUTES from our house! The venue is a super cool place with a western theme, really great food and beautiful decor! One of the things we really enjoy about the party besides the great time with friends and coworkers, is the gift exchange.  A TON of gifts are purchased for the whole "family" and a white elephant game ensues. It is always a good time of laughs and some cut throat competition. This year, the Parish Family left the party with a brand new Hoover Windtunnel vacuum and some perfume! Pretty cool!  I especially enjoyed getting a chance to have some time with my honey while Grandma Parish watched Elijah for a couple hours.  He did make a cameo at the very end. I missed him terribly and lots of folks were asking about him. It was his first Christmas party and he was dressed the part!

Rhonda looking very pretty with her little red ribbon in her hair

Chip was our team captain for the gift exchange. They had to wear funny little hats that said "Boss". You know he loved that. :) 

There was some face painting

Good buds

I tried to explain to Josh that if a photo is taken from a higher angle, it makes you look thinner. He thought I was calling him fat. 

The bar staff hard at work

Thomas consented to a little beard decorating

Ready for adult time!

One of the candles from the gift exchange. We are super excited about it. 

Love my good friend, Rhonda!


Josh and Thomas getting a little too close. 

Our little Santa made his cameo appearance for the last hour of the party!

I missed my baby!

We love to laugh together. 

Rachel was so excited to see Elijah!

We all know who the REAL boss is! 
It was a spectacular party! I can't wait to see what they do next year!

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