03 December 2012

Christmas Shopping Date Night!

Chip and I have been looking forward to Christmas shopping for Elijah since last Christmas! Actually, for years before that. It was one of those things, in recent years, that just seemed incomplete as the holiday season came around.......a little person to celebrate with. So we were very excited to have the opportunity to get out together for a Christmas shopping date while Elijah stayed home with his Grandma and Granddad. Because he had been sick, I didn't know if this planed day was going to happen but he had recovered well enough that we felt confident to leave him. We know that Santa would be coming to our house for Elijah so we didn't go overboard (don't want to steal Santa's thunder!) but we had so much fun looking through all the fun toys and books and picking things out for our son they we thought he would enjoy and even were able to finish the evening off with a quick dinner together!

Ready for date night! AND SHOPPING!

First stop, a coffee place by our house that we have wanted to try. SCORE! They have almond milk! And lots of amazing sugar free flavors!

A bulk of our shopping was done at Toys R Us. The first choice.....a bubble maker for the bathtub. I have given this as gifts to a few children and was excited to get one for Elijah!

Daddy had some fun with the toys

Done! We will leave the rest to Santa!

We did some more shopping for others then headed to dinner! It was our first dinner alone since Ocean City!

We enjoyed some grown up time but it was definitely time to head home. We missed our baby!

Granddad and Bonnie had a great time watching football together. 

Grandma and Granddad took wonderful care of our little boy. 

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