09 December 2012

A Trip To San Antonio, Sea World Christmas and a Visit with Nan

Chip, Elijah and I had such a great time visiting my parents in San Antonio recently! About a month or so ago, we talked about wanting to take Elijah to Sea World and made plans for this trip. Right after Chip's Christmas party at work, we hopped in the car and headed west.  I love having my parents close enough to do that sort of thing! It was a great weekend and Elijah had a blast! He road in a stroller for the first time. Normally I am a baby wearer all the way but we thought it would be fun for him to try out the strollers at Sea Word and it would be a little easier to take him in and out. Although I totally missed having him so close, he appeared to enjoy having a little change in view. He just sat there, looking all confident and "cool" as he road along. It was totally adorable.

He loved looking at the animals, a true animal lover already. We fed the dolphins which he really seemed to enjoy except for when the dolphin splashed us. He was not a fan of that.  My boy does NOT like COLD water. The first show we went to was the Beluga Whale Show. Ironically, Elijah's favorite part of that show appeared to be the parrots.....and the pigeons that were not even part of the show. He slept through Shamu which made me a little sad because I KNOW he would have loved all the big movement but we now have season passes so I am hoping to get him back to Sea World as soon as they open after hiatus!

Grabbing a quick bite before our big day. Elijah had a nice little nap during lunch. 

"Hey Mama, what is this contraption?"

There was Christmas all over Sea World! Here we had our picture taken with nutcrackers!

The Beluga Show was all Christmas!

Me and my baby!

I love his kisses! Even if they are kind of wet. ;) 

Elijah loved the parrots flying overhead. 

I wonder if we can do that next time we come!

Okay, I bet the beluga kisses are even wetter than Elijah's kisses

Taking it all with his Pop. 

The Beluga show had some really cool acrobatics!

Elijah watching with his Daddy and his Pop

Baby beluga in the deep blue sea....

Getting in a nap at Shamu

So majestic

They had this cute little train that went through a Christmas Tree village. 

Elijah loved riding on the train!

I cannot believe how big he is getting!

He loved all the snowmen and white trees. 

Every time I looked over at our boy in the stroller he was smiling at people. 

Sitting on Daddy's shoulders for the Elmo show

He does not know who Elmo is yet because he is not allowed to watch television BUT he knows his voice from the CD's from Grandmama and I could tell he recognized him. 

Feeding the dolphin with his Mommy

Two animal lovers

They came right up to us!

Our little music man really wanted to play with Pop's keyboard. 

We finished the day with a yummy dinner at Mortons. Elijah is a regular!

It would not be a trip to San Antonio without spending some quality time with Nan. 

She could not get over what a big boy he is

Elijah had lots of smiles for his Great Nan. 

He made her day!

She even put on my nursing necklace that he likes to chew on. 

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