24 December 2012

Christmas Eve

This year we spent Christmas Eve at the Senior Parishes house.  Chip's sister and her husband, Josh and Virginia had to fly back to Michigan Christmas morning so we did our big family Christmas on this day. All the guys woke up super early and went golfing and Elijah and I headed over to visit with Grandma Parish and help her get ready for the day while we waited for them to return. It was an awesome celebration full of family fun, fabulous food and the joys of a baby's first Christmas. Elijah loved all the hugs and kisses he continued to receive and attention. We made yet another walk over to the park to enjoy the swings and he had so much fun with his new toys, especially his Scout dog from Grandma and Granddad. We finished the day with a beautiful church service at Spring Baptist and dinner, then after we put Elijah to bed at home, Chip, Granddad Parish and I attended the late candlelit service at our own church, St. John's. It was a very busy and fun celebration of this blessed day.

My sweet boy all dressed in his Christmas best! Love this sweet little outfit Grandma and Granddad found in a boutique in Tomball!

Happily playing with the toys at Grandma and Granddads while wait for the men to return. 

Elijah was in awe of the Christmas tree....or was it the gifts UNDER the tree....

"Mama, where did the doggies go?"

Looking out the window at Daddy's big red truck. 
This is the face Chip made when I told him that I did not get him the annual "Sports Box" for Christmas this year. 

All set to go to the park!

"Come on Daddy, let's go!"

Just a jolly little boy. 

He is so fearless! He loves going super high!

"You pushed me real good Aunt Virginia!"

"I can swing with Mama!"

So high!

"Daddy, you are funny!"

"What are you doing back there, Uncle Josh"

Ready to go down the slide with Daddy. 

My two loves. 

"That's fun, Aunt Virginia! Do it again!"
Mom Parish made a shoofly pie for Chip, his new favorite!

Christmas eve kisses for the baby!

Such a pretty tree and look at all the loot!

We always enjoy the tradition of the Parish Family stockings....and look at the the cute First Christmas one for our littlest  Parish!

Well Chip is looking at the camera, I am looking elsewhere and Elijah looks like he is gagging on his octopus ..other than that it is a great picture! Ha!

Daddy helps Elijah open his first present of the day!

Such a cute outfit from Grandma and Granddad!

Josh and Virginia loved their date night themed gift from the Junior Parishes! Yay!

"Um, why is everyone else opening my presents!"

I just loved the latest addition to our ornament collection!

Uncle Josh picked this book out just for Elijah! It is a beautiful scrapbook style collection of all kinds of Winnie the Pooh history! SO cool since that is the theme in Elijah's nursery and future big boy room!

Aunt Virginia found this incredible plush Winnie The Pooh ring toss! I have never seen anything like it. So cool~

It was a big hit with our little guy. 

He loves Tigger just like his Daddy!

"Mmmm, this tastes good"

Granddad relaxed as he opened his gifts. 

Grandma Parish loved her gift from Elijah. 

Look at all that good stuff! What a lucky baby!

This boy loves to be upside down!

Going for a ride on Uncle Josh's leg. The Godfather express!

Santa brought Granddad and fun hunting game for the Wii!

Josh and Janet have a silly string rivalry. 

I was attacked when I told Josh to shoot again so I could get it on film. 

Elijah and Mommy had a special gift prepared for Daddy that he was not expecting. 

Our gift. We aren't great at footprints. This was after several attempts. 

Chip and his boy. 

"Daddy, I like this story" 

Grandma has been so excited to give Scout to Elijah!

"Who is this green fella?"

"Ok, I think he is a-okay"
Kicking it with Grandma and Granddad before church. 

"Old" Blue Eyes. :) 

Such a cutie, all ready for Christmas Eve church service!

The gals

Me and my other main squeeze. 

"Hello ladies"

A Parish Family Christmas Eve

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