01 November 2012

Elijah's First Halloween

We had a great Halloween this year! Considering last year, I was still plagued with "morning" sickness and I was in bed by eight o clock (which, to be honest, is not unusual for me nowadays with my co-sleeping baby!).  Elijah had the cutest tiger costume that had been given to me as a baby gift before he was born.  I had dreamed of dressing Elijah up as a Flying Monkey from Wizard of Oz and I was going to be the Wicked Witch of the West. I had been so excited about this and was planning on this as soon as I found out I was pregnant! I found an adorable flying monkey costume but it was too small and, oddly, they did not come in a size that fit him. I was SO disappointed and considered making a costume but ended up just using what we had and, I have to say, he was ADORABLE. (There is always next year for flying monkeys). So we began our day by getting dressed up, Elijah as a tiger and me as the Mama Tiger with the ears and a stripy shirt to match. It was a busy day for Mama and Baby tiger. First, we had to vote! I love the option of early voting! I have never been one with patience for lines and when there are several lines to choose from, I ALWAYS choose the WRONG ONE. (I think this is hereditary). We were lucky enough to arrive early in the day and there was no wait. Everyone at the polling place (and everywhere else we went) made a big fuss over Elijah which I LOVE! I think he likes it it too because he kept smiling at EVERYONE! After we cast our vote to elect the leader of the free world, it was time to head to Zwink Elementary and visit Grandma in the library! Zwink visits are great because not only does Elijah get tons of attention from the sweet staff, but he adores children and really enjoys watching the big kids go about their day. His costume was a big hit and Grandma had fun showing off her grandson. Our final stop for the day was our monthly visit to Trader Joe's. Halloween was the perfect day for Trader Joes! Their whole crew was dressed up for the day! My favorite costume was the giant penguin sacking groceries! They were playing the theme music from the thriller Halloween, while we walked around. They had the most divine spiced apple cider that they were sampling.It was so yummy, I brought some home to enjoy while we handed out candy along with some other yummy and healthier treats! Once we got home, Elijah took a little nap and then Granddad came over for a visit! He wanted so see his buddy all dressed up. Unfortunately, all we got on him was the hat once he woke up, but that is the best part anyway. They had a nice little visit and Elijah had fun giving Granddad snuggles and chewing on his nose. Finally, Daddy came home! I set out some yummy snacks for us to enjoy once we got back from walking around the neighborhood, and we headed out. Our friend and next door neighbors, Jessica and Greg, had a special Halloween treat for Elijah since he does not eat candy, a special Halloween book! They were his first trick or treat house! We went to just a couple more houses so Elijah got a full Halloween experience, but mostly we just walked around the neighborhood and enjoyed the decorations, fellowship and costumes. Lots of people were set up in their driveway and it was a very friendly evening. At the last house we stopped at, Elijah met a very sweet little girl dressed as a fairy and was quite taken with her. It is so much fun to watch him interact with other children. He is sweet, gentle and so fascinated. Adorable! After a short trip around the block, we headed home to give out candy to the neighborhood kids. I put on "Its The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" which has become somewhat of a tradition and our night slowed down.  It was one of the best Halloweens I can remember and it is so much fun developing traditions for Elijah to enjoy that I hope he will one day look back on happily and maybe do with his own children. What a wonderful time of life!

Two tigers ready for our happy day!

Getting some shut eye on the way to vote!

Elijah's first election!

Fun in the main office at Zwink Elementary

Visiting Grandma in the library!

They had these awesome chairs in the library that were perfect for a relaxing baby! I may have to find one for our living room for Elijah!

Love the zebra background with his tiger suit! My jungle baby!

Pooped after a busy day! Better rest up! There is lots more to come!

Snuggles with Granddad!

Mmmmm, tasty nose. 

My little tiger!

Our first trick or treat house!

Elijah is always happy to see Miss Jessica!

"Thanks for the cool book Miss Jessica!"

Trick or Treating baby!

Daddy likes to trick or treat too!

Elijah and his new friend!

He was so sweet with this little girl! <3

We wore that baby out!

Of course, we got Elijah's very first trick or treat experience on video! :)

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