09 November 2012

Our Cloth Diaper Adventure - So Far

It has been about six months since we stared cloth diapering Elijah. We began about two weeks after he was born, giving me time to heal before having laundry to do that comes along with cloth diapering. I just wanted to check in on how we are doing with our choice!

I have found that as Elijah has gotten bigger, the cloth diapers fit better. Most of our diapers are Fuzzibunz ones size pocket diapers but we have a few others and are about to add a couple more brands to try out as we have had some nighttime leaking, more on that later.

In general, I LOVE cloth diapering. It is friendly to the environment and I love knowing that only natural fibers are touching my baby's bottom. Elijah has never had any type of diaper rash or infection.  I think part of this is due to the fact that is is very healthy and has one heck of an immune system but I also thank our cloth diaper choice.

There are occasions when we choose to use disposables. Travel is a big one. First, not everyone you visit is going to be willing to let you put poopy diapers in their washing machine which I totally understand. And I personally believe that travel, especially long distance and extended periods of time, with an infant can be stressful enough and I like to simplify it by allowing disposables. For the first few months, I had used disposables when I left the house but I came to realize this was not necessary, especially because, more often than not, there was no need for a diaper change on quick trips.

One issue that has come up and I am working on resolving is overnight leaking. Elijah has slept through the night from almost the very beginning. As he has gotten bigger, leaking problems have become more severe, I assume because he is eating more and producing more pee. There are nights where we wake up both soaked.  I bought some disposable overnights which did the trick for a while but even those are not working now. So....I am on a mission to figure out a cloth resolution to this problem. I am totally open to suggestions on this and will be heading to our favorite store, Nurtured Family, today to see what they suggest!

Part of our cloth diapering adventure includes cloth wipes. I. LOVE. THEM! You literally need only one wipe, even for the messiest tushies! They are soft and my cloth wipe warmer keeps them at a comfy temperature. Elijah gets a big smile on his face when I wipe him, something that I am sure would not happen with a cold disposable wipe that reeks of alcohol. I wasn't sure how to do cloth wipes successfully on the go which is another thing that kept me from venturing out of the house with a cloth clad baby at first. But that solution was simple. Keep the wipes and the wipe solution separate, in a spray bottle. And just make them as you need them, or spray the solution directly on the baby! Voila! So easy, right?

And speaking of poo, what is one to do with it? Well, some people use a sprayer. This did not sound good to me.  I really couldn't see myself standing over the toilet with the diaper to spray it then taking the dripping wet diaper back to the pail across my nice clean carpet. So we chose to use disposable liners. They are similar to a dryer sheet but not as coarse. They catch the poop and you dump them directly in the toilet. I didn't really bother with them until about a month ago when I gave Elijah his first solids and his poop started to change. Now they are a must! They don't catch everything and don't always stay put but they help you get rid of and flush the "chunks". Okay, I know that sounds gross but we are talking diapers here.

Ointment. You have to be careful because most commercial diaper ointment will damage cloth diapers. So I play it safe and make my own. You can read more about that here.

Well, there you have it. Our cloth diaper experience, so far. I am looking forward to trying out a couple of new ones so that if we expand our family and our diaper collection, I have some brands and types to compare to but I have to say we have been very happy with Fuzzibunz. And I am very happy that we chose this path for our diaper experience.

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