20 November 2012

A Few Days on the Main Line

Part of our east coast trip was to spend a few days with my family on the Main Line in and around Valley Forge. I so miss my home town and always love to visit every chance I get and to see the people, places and things that make that part of my life special. Chip joined us no the last day of this part of our visit. My cousin, Ben, was awesome enough to pick him up from the airport at midnight so he could attend my high school reunion with me on our last day. These days, as usual, were super busy. There is always so much I want to do in the precious little time I get to spend when I am "home" so I like to make every second count! The first day, we drove in at about 3PM so we could watch my cousin, Gracie, practice bowling with her club, then had a quick bite at Berwyn Pizza...an old favorite that makes yummy ceasar salad! After that, we headed with Aunt Mary and Gracie to see Gran!

First Stop to Gran's House

Elijah loves the Tiffany lamp in Gran's kitchen so when we arrived, that was the first thing she showed him. It seems all the grandkids love that lamp because it still has dinosaur stickers on it that my little brother, Brad stuck there when he was a wee one. 

Gran's den was always where the kids would play. That Micky Mouse has been in there for as long as I can remember. 

Elijah tried out his Pop's bed. This is where my Dad slept when he was a boy! The room still looks as it  did then!

My Da and Elijah's Great Da attended Jefferson Medical College at the same time as Chip's Grandad on his Mom's side. Such a neat family coincidence. This is his chair from med school!

Elijah tried out a very special seat. 
A Night at Aunt Mary's House
Elijah and I spent our first night on the Main Line at Aunt Mary's house. We had a great time visiting with her and all the cousins came over as well! I love seeing my little guy get so much love from my family! 
Cousin Ben came over after a long day at work because he could not wait to get his hands on his littlest cousin!

Gracie is so sweet and gentle with Elijah. 

Kevin just can't get enough of this guy! Elijah has stared in Kevin's Facebook page on several occasions and has even made a cameo is his profile picture!
 More Time With Gran
Our second day, we went back to Gran's house. Gran is moving in a month from the big, beautiful home where she raised all her children. It is a bittersweet time for the family of new beginnings and saying goodbye. We said goodbye to her kitchen sink in a very special way but story deserves its own blog post! 
Gran has this darling little rocking chair that was almost the perfect size for Elijah!

She brought it into the kitchen for him to try out. Another one of Gran's pieces, in mint condition, that has been in  her home for decades. 

Getting some love from cousin Molly

My parents gave Gran this funny reindeer foot stool for Christmas many years ago. Elijah went for a ride!

"Cousin Kevin, you say the darnedest things!"

Sweet nap with Gran
Elijah and I drove by our old home at 496 Cassatt Road. I lived there from fourth grade until I was about nineteen. My parents stayed there a few more years before relocating. I love this home and all of the incredible memories it brings. Incredible family holidays, time with my grandparents (Nan and Poppy) who lived here with us, my dog, Lucky, escaping the backyard and me chasing him around the neighborhood. I hope that Elijah looks back on his childhood home(s) as fondly. 
Our House

The room with the two windows on the right was mine! 
A Night at Aunt Cathy and Uncle Neil's House
Our second night was spent with Aunt Cathy, Uncle Neil and cousins Megan and Sarah. We had a great time! There was a fabulous candlelit dinner and Ben brought over his new finace, Christine, who Elijah and I had not yet met. They will be getting married in August. YAY for a new cousin!
Aunt Cathy has the best baby noises! Elijah was VERY entertained!

I remember going to the hospital the night Sarah was born.....and now she is almost out of high school!

Megan and Sarah brought down a weeble wobble farm. Elijah went nuts! As soon as he saw it, he climbed over Sarah in a rush and made his way to the barn!

Playing with his cousins

A beautiful dinner created by my Aunt and Uncle

The newly engaged couple!

Ben decided Elijah would make a good Superman and flew him around the living room

YAY! Daddy finally arrived!
 One Last Stop to Visit Gran!