14 November 2012

East Coast Trip, The First Five Days

Elijah and I just returned form a whirlwind two weeks of family, friends and lots of fun on the East Coast. It was an incredible two weeks that was jam packed with memories and, of course, photos. Because there was just so much, it is too much for one blog post so I will be breaking up into parts.......so far NINE POSTS! So this is the first of several as I unpack, get ready for Christmas and "decorate" my blog for the holidays!

The Travel

Elijah is a seasoned air traveler. He had is first round trip flight at just over two months from Houston to San Francisco. Then we flew to the east coast for summer vacation at three and a half months. Chip accompanied me on all four flights. This was the first trip for Elijah and I to fly as a duo. Although Elijah has been the picture perfect passenger for any age, I was nervous to fly by myself because he is more mobile now and there are certain things, like changing diapers in air, that are just easier with two people. As luck would have it, the flight was only half full (as was the return trip) and we got a row all to ourselves! Elijah was incredible and several passengers on the way there and home commented on how well behaved, calm and quiet he had been on the flight! Made this Mama so proud! 

Through security and making our way to the gate...just the TWO of us!

Elijah enjoyed watching the planes as we prepared to board
Afternoons with (Great) Grandmom
Elijah and I enjoyed a few quiet afternoons with Great Grandmom at her place! She had already decorated for Christmas in anticipation of our arrival and Elijah had a lot of fun looking at the lights and especially this snowman that sang and spun around. We took a walk to town and had fun doing some light shopping and checking out her local Italian Deli. 
Elijah was fascinated by the spinning, singing snowman! 

Mama and Elijah are all bundled up and ready fun with Great Grandmom

Elijah had an excellent playmate

There is a charming little Italian Deli that is a five minute walk from her house. Great eggplant! YUM!

Ready to go home with Mimi
Polar Bear Outfit
Chip picked out this outfit when we registered for baby gear. It was one of the only clothing items we registered for it and I bought it for him and Elijah for Christmas last year when i was pregnant. It was perfect for our trip to the cold north! Unfortunately the tiny buttons do not stay buttoned so I wanted to be sure to get some cute pictures in it, in case we never wear it again. I am going to try to find someone able and willing to remove the buttons and "install" snaps so that we can get some use out of this totally adorable outfit!
"My Daddy loves polar bears!"

Pretty darn cute!
Elijah and I managed to fit some morning walks in while we were visiting. Not as many as we would have liked but I was happy to get in a few. We had fun bundled up and braving the cold, fall/winter weather of New Jersey along with Mimi and Elijah's Aunt B! 
I just zipped my right on up into the windbreaker!

Family walks are the best!
Lunch on the River
One day, Me, Elijah, Mimi, Papa John and Uncle Johnny had a nice lunch on the River.  It was a sunny and cool, crisp day! We had a  nice time taking some scenic family photos and being entertained by Elijah at lunch.
Mama and Elijah all ready for a day out!

It was a beautiful day!

A man outside of the restaurant was kind enough to take a group photo. Hey , it never hurts to ask!

Elijah has been doing this cute, chin resting pose as he watches people lately. I manged to catch it with my camera. SO CUTE!

I'm not sure what he was doing here but I am very glad that I wiped down the high chair before he sat in it and smushed it with his face. 

Happy to be back and playing!
Family Day At Great Grandmoms
Grandmom decided to have a big family lunch at her place and Great Aunt Donna and our cousins as well as Great Uncle Bobby and Aunt Mariel and little Bobby came for the afternoon.  Grandmom has always been big on hosting these types of family gatherings and it was so much fun to see everyone and to introduce Elijah to some of the cousins he had not yet met. He had a ball getting passed around and played with and fussed over. He is a social butterfly for sure!  There was great food and lots quality time together!
Elijah and Great Aunt Donna became fast friends this summer in Ocean City.  They had a good time bonding again. 

Our cousin, Jennifer, had a great time with Elijah. I am so glad they finally got to meet!

Elijah meeting cousin Zack for the first time...another redhead!

Hanging out with Papa John. 

Jennifer was really amazing with Elijah. The two of them stood at the door and watched the boys play for a good thirty minutes. 

Elijah fell asleep and I was able to slip out for 45 minutes to see Brianna's concert while he snuggled up to his cousin. 

Just finished watching a great choral concert of Brianna (no photography, boo!)

Ready to head back to Grandmoms. I miss my baby!

When we got back, Elijah was smiling and having a grand old time!

Fun with Great Uncle Bobby

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