20 November 2012

The Last Bath In Gran's Sink and Another First for Elijah

Gran is moving.  It is a bittersweet time because it means saying good bye to a home that has been in our family for some of all our lives but we are also thrilled that Gran will now have a home that is easier to manage.  Saying goodbye, even to things, is tough.  We have spent many Christmases gathered in that big, beautiful living room with a majestic tree towering overhead, many candlelit dinners in that dining room, so many children crawling around in that den and playing with some of the very toys that my son got to play with while we were on our trip and then, there is the heart of the house....the kitchen. There have been so many family gatherings with everyone gathered around the kitchen table snacking on mixed nuts and pub cheese, Thanksgiving turkeys baking in the oven and babies being bathed in the big porcelain kitchen sink.  While I was visiting with Aunt Mary and Cousin Kevin, we had a great idea. Elijah would be the last baby bathed in that sink! So in the morning of our second day on the Main Line, we drove to Gran's and she was thrilled to accommodate.
"Ready for my bath!"

Getting ready to make history as the last McLoone baby to bathe in Gran's sink!

"Mama I think you should come in with me!"

Lots of bubble fun!

You can tell he used to bathing with me. He really did try to pull me in with him
Sweet clean boy!

Love this one!

No baby, don't eat the bubbles. :)

All nice and clean!
Kevin got very sentimental and decided that HE wanted to be the last "baby" to bathe in the sink!

I love my family!


And of course, we grabbed the bloggie and got the moment in our family history on video!

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