22 November 2012

A New Jersey Thanksgiving

Chip, Elijah and I spent Thanksgiving this year with my New Jersey family. It had been probably about 15 years since I had an East Coast Thanksgiving complete with cold weather!  I so miss East Coast holidays that really feel like.....Thanksgiving....Christmas.....New Years, even Halloween. I grew up with these days being cold days and even, occasionally, full of snow. Through my years in Texas, the holiday season has come to have a different feel to me but it is still so nice (and nostalgic!) to go back for a cool brisk Thanksgiving and share that with my husband and son.  Elijah enjoyed spending his first Thanksgiving with his Papa John, Mimi, Great Grandmom, Aunt B(rianna), Uncle Johnny, Great Uncle Bobby, Great Aunt Mariel, Cousin Bobby and man other friends of the family. He had smiles for everyone and enjoyed getting passed around the room. Chip had a major first this year. He cooked his very first turkey!  A assumption was made that since Chip was a Texas boy he would know how to deep fry a turkey (poor bird!). Well he had never done it before but had seen it done so he was up to the challenge and, as you will see, it was a major success....ok not in the eyes of the bird. I enjoyed making my contribution of Janet Parishes (Grandma's) Sweet Potoates and Janet Shooks (Granny's) cornbread stuffing and they were a HUGE hit! It was a wonderful day, amazing food and fabulous company!

Good Morning, Elijah. Happy first Thanksgiving!

Elijah loved being on my back while I made the Parish specialities of sweet potatoes and cornbread stuffing!

The guys headed out to a local high school Thanksgiving day football game. 

Cathy was hard at work in the kitchen all day

Elijah got very cozy and fell asleep while I was cooking. 

Quick family photo shoot before guests begin to arrive!

I just love my boys. 

Such a cute boy
"Ok Mama, is it time for some grub?!"

Sweet boy smiles

Some cuddles with Daddy

Brianna created a centrepiece for the kids table using plants from the backyard

Mmmm....Parish Sweet Potatoes. My favorite! 

My love

Johnny is gearing up for some football

Brianna was such a huge help!

Chip, moments before his fried turkey endevor!

There goes the bird

Cooking away

My handsome hubby

Cathy set a beautiful table

Visiting with Mariel and Uncle Bobby

Great Grandmom just adores her first great grandchild!

Chip is very proud of his masterpiece. 

Love my Thanksgiving baby!

Chip and Grandmom getting silly. Don't let them fool you. They have Gin Rummy feud going on!

Cathy still hard at work in the kitchen. 

Elijah is sporting an adorable bib from Grandma Parish. Precious. 

Elijah and Papa John...hanging out. 

He was quite taken with Mariel. 

I sported a very daring ensemble for Thanksgiving.....sort of piratey. :)
The guys watching football

Elijah looks ready for some Thanksgiving grub!

Sweet Mariel kisses!

Elijah looking pensive

Our first Thanksgiving as 3 Parishes. 

"Um hello....I'm ready for the good stuff!"

Elijah fed himself with a spoon for the first time!

Yummy potatoes!

A little water to wash it down. 

"Aw Daddy! Gee!"

My two favorite boys!

The girls had big fun playing with Elijah

Cuddling with Mama after a very delicious Thanksgiving dinner!

This photo cracked me up. It makes me think of a particular story of a very young little Chip Parish that was so excited when he received My Pet Monster for Christmas he exclaimed "Praise Ye, My Pet Monster!" Lol. 

"Did I eat too much, does my butt look big?"

So...we have a pack N Play at home that I really just use for naps or if I have to run to the bathroom. Elijah actually played in one while we traveled a bit and he was quite fascinated with the mesh. Apparently it felt really good to press his face against it. 

Relaxing with Aunt B

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