03 November 2012


Let me start by saying the purpose of OUR blog is not as a soap box or for creating controversy but to share our family, joys, sorrows and experiences with family and friends.  We love celebrations, holidays, dressing up and giving our son fun family experiences, the opportunity for fantasy and imagination and we do not consider fantasy "lies". It is just that, fantasy and are SO EXCITED about the upcoming Christmas season and all the joy, hope and FUN it brings! Elijah will be permitted to celebrate Halloween and all the fun the goes along with it (though I am hoping not so much candy). Elijah will be taught about Christmas,  Jesus' birth and His redemption but he will also have the fun of Santa Clause....and I HAPPEN TO KNOW that Santa Clause is real. Perhaps those non-believers were just naughty and so he didn't come to their house. Elijah if you are reading this, don't let anyone tell you any different! I have seen him and he is real. :) We will have a Christmas tree, even though it has pagan origins along with many other Christmas traditions. (Oddly, "Christmas" decorating was originally done to keep away evil spirits and WITCHES!  Our family continues to celebrate Thanksgiving, although historically, it may not be something to "celebrate", especially those with native american heritage! The Parish family loves to celebrate and loves to enjoy our family traditions and we choose to see the joy and enriched experiences all these things have to offer ourselves and our son. As I said when I began, the purpose of this blog is not as a soapbox, so I will end with this. "Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!"

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