28 August 2012

Projects and Inspirations

The Parish Family is back from vacation! I have a TON of photos to sort through and there will definitely be at least four blog posts for vacation.  It was an AMAZING week. (heehee. Private joke to myself). Anyway, I have a few projects and inspirations brewing that I plan to begin putting into action. These are things that I have been thinking about doing but really had a chance to contemplate and consider while relaxing on the beach and on long morning walks. (Oh how I love those!) Drum roll please........

I have always loved pictures. I love taking them, being in them, organizing them and getting creative with them.  Since Elijah has come into the world, I realized I would really love a professional camera photograph him and get some creative shots whenever I want but I just can't justify the expense especially now that we are a one income family.  I decided I am going to translate my love of photo taking into a little business.  And I do mean little. There are so many times when I think it would be really great to have someone to take pictures for events or just little photos shoots but I just can't afford that. Then I thought there must be other families that feel the same way. I am lucky and have a fabulous friend and neighbor that has sort of become my personal photographer. (Love you Jess!). But not everyone has that. So, what I am planning on doing is offering my services of "Rookie Photographer" (I came up with that term for this) for a minimal hourly fee for events or just fun photo shoots for families. It would include all the photos taken and minimal editing for the family on a budget, basically for someone that just wants the pictures taken and with a good camera and that won't take a lot of time from my family other than the photo shoot itself!  The end result: I will have a fabulous camera to take photos of my family with that will pay for itself and then I have a little extra money coming in for our family! I am not sure how long it will actually take me to get this plan into action which means getting together the money to actually BUY the camera cause it is a hefty investment but I am so excited about this goal and looking forward researching what I want and keeping my eye open for deals....like maybe Black Friday sales. :)

There have been many experiences in my life that I thought would make a good book. (and several people that have suggested I write about different things)  Unfortunately, I have an terrible memory and the only way I feel I can faithfully record things is as they happen. I would have loved to record our fertility journey in a personal memoir but I was in too dark of place to record it as it happened the first time around.  Now, life is wonderful and I feel the writing urge.......SO.......I would like to begin writing about Motherhood, Fertility and our Journey to our next pregnancy and hopefully chronicle the pregnancy itself as well as what all this means for Elijah.   It is something that I think others can relate to.  There is a lot of hope and pain that leads to a medically assisted conception and although I am hoping this next time around isn't quite as traumatic due to the fact that I am now a mother, it is still going to be a time of high hopes and fears.  We are also practicing gentle parenting and I plan to pursue a natural pregnancy a birth which I think is even more important when conception is assisted.  The actual process won't begin until Elijah is a year old but there are a lot of feelings and different preparations happening now and so I will begin this book with some entries about preparations and motherhood.  Will it be published? Maybe. We'll see. I'm trying not to think about an end result and just get it written, which will take time. I may then send it out for publication so that others can benefit from my experience and if God wants my experience out there, he will take care of the rest. And by the way, I am still praying daily for healing of my body for our next pregnancy. Please pray for us. 

Interior Design
Since I have become a Stay At Home Mama, I am working hard at trying to get our house organized and in order....not super easy with an infant but as Elijah is getting older, I hope to have some more time to make our home beautiful.  The first step is to get more organized. I am working on my closet this week as it is a huge undertaking and need to sort through lots of cloths, set aside the stuff that is too big for our next pregnancy since I have lost more weight (Yay!) and just decide what stays and what goes, then try to sell what goes!  Then,  next up will be the kitchen cabinets. But I don't just want to organize, I would like to put some finishing touches on our home.  Thanks to Pinterest and nightly walks on the boardwalk, I have some fun ideas on things I can MAKE for our home decor! One of the first projects I plan to pursue are board signs. (Jessica, I will be enlisting your advice on this since you already made us a beautiful one!)
There was a store on the Boardwalk that had all these signs with quotes. I have always loved these for home accents so I took pictures of my favorites for inspiration and will figure out which I want to make for my own home!  This one is a particular favorite. 

This is a sign I saw on Pinterest and Jessica made it for me as a shower gift. It hangs above Elijah's crib.
I found a number of other design ideas on Pinterest that I am going to start pursuing but this will be my first project and I am so excited. I just love inspirational quotes and it will be a lot of fun to pick and choose which go with our family theme. 

So there you have it. Three projects brewing in the Parish home. I am super excited about them all, though they will take some time. But I do believe they each will enrich our family life in their own way. I am totally open to suggestion and comment on any of them, especially WHICH camera to buy. :)  I look forward to seeing how these projects play out in our life. Stay tuned!

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