02 August 2012

Elijah's Birth - Reflections and New Photos!

I recently received some new birth pictures and the black and white versions from my birth photographer.  Somehow these hadn't made it to the disks I received which was actually kind of a neat little gift to get three months into motherhood. It was so much fun to to go through my birth photos again. A lot has been going on lately making me reflect Elijah's birth, what I might do differently next time so things go a little more smoothly.  My heart aches for what I could not give him and I try to make up for it daily with love, affection and my attachment. (He would receive all these anyway of course!)  Maternal guilt has set in. I completely trust my doctor as she is amazing and has our best interest at heart. But if I had to do it all over again, there are some choices that I might make differently.  Fortunately, not only are we blessed with a healthy baby, but he is so smart and so happy....right from the beginning. He has had this amazing disposition since birth and was  just an easy going newborn and has grown into this smiling. laughing and intelligent little baby.  I have learned so much from our birth experience with our beloved Elijah and know that if we are blessed again, there are some things I would like to do differently. All that being said, our son's birth was the most magical, wonderful day and it warms my heart to see these amazing pictures that we had missed. They ended up being some of my favorites.  Here are a few I would like to share.

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