01 August 2012

Our Day at the Downtown Aquarium

Elijah, Brad and I went to the Downtown Aquarium. It is a Landry's restaurant that also has aquarium exhibits and rides.  Brad and I had a great time taking Elijah on his very first ferris wheel! He really seemed to enjoy not only the view but also the motion. We also went on a train ride through the shark tunnel....SUPER COOL. After we were finished with the rides we went through the aquarium exhibit. One of the added attractions for us was that we knew one of the aquarium's residents!  A Pacu fish name Jaws that ones resided with my aunt was donated by our family and really saved by the people at Downtown Aquarium! His living conditions had not really be good.  We found him! He had grown to about twice his original size since he was in a much larger tank. It was so cool. When he was living with my aunt, Jaws would come to whichever side of the tank people were closest too and he always seemed very alert and personable...for a fish. Well, I can't be sure but I really think he recognized us! He was in a HUGE tank at the aquarium and he came over and stayed where we were standing, just looking at us. I spent a lot of time at my aunt's home when he was there so it is quite possible he knew who I was. Pretty cool. I am happy that he is in such an awesome environment now and that his remaining years will be spent as they are.

Outside the Downtown Aquarium, ready for our fun morning. 

We wore the Babyhawk Mei Tai for the day. I just learned the front facing carry earlier that morning!

Elijah enjoyed his first ride on a ferris wheel! He loved the motion and getting to see the sights of downtown Houston. 

We loved having Uncle Brad with us for the day. 

After the ferris wheel, we took a ride on the aquarium train through the shark tunnel. 

Mommy and Elijah - a cool pair!

I loved watching his eyes get big and full of wonder as he gazed at the pretty fish

Grandmama and Pop keep telling me that Elijah needs his own fish tank....

......I think they may be right!

I'd love to get something like this but on a much smaller scale for Elijah. 

Elijah got to meet Jaws!

There is "our" fish! Jaws. He looks so happy!

The exhibit also featured a white tiger. Very cool. We couldn't get our picture with the real one of course but they had a neat statue. 

Elijah was a happy boy. He enjoyed his morning with the fishies. 

Love you Baby Bear!

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