25 August 2012

Elijah Meets the McLoone Clan

While we were on vacation on the East Coast, we had the opportunity to get together with the McLoone side of our family for an afternoon so they could all meet Elijah. This trip made me realize just how much I wish we lived on the east coast, not just because of the rich heritage, fabulous food and incredible weather, but because there is so much family love for our son there! I would just need to transport Grandmama and Pop there as well (which I know they would not mind) and it would be perfect!  I loved seeing such a fuss made over our boy.  It warmed my heart to know how loved is our little Parish family of three. I feel like the fellowship I long for is waiting for us in the tri-state area. ***That being said, Houston is good to us. We love our home, Chip loves his job and we have an awesome life. *** But I digress.....Here are a few shots from our fabulous visit with the McLoone Clan. (More vacation photos to come! Still sorting through them!)

Aunt Mary had to work so we met her and our cousin, Ben, for lunch before heading to Gran's house!

Ben could not wait to get his hands on Elijah. He held him while Mama ate her veggie hoagie!

Gran adored her great grandson! Elijah loves his Gran and especially loves her Tiffany lamp. He could not get enough. 

Cousins by the dozens! We would have no shortage of babysitters in Valley Forge!

Elijah giving a big smile to his Uncle Neil!

Aunt Cathy adored her great nephew. I promised her that if we ever had triplets, I'd float her  one. :) (Just joking, Chip, no triplets in our future)

Gran in the den with Elijah. One of my cousins commented that she wondered how many babies have played  in that den. This is the house "Pop" grew up in so there have been lots of babies cuddled on that couch and playing on that floor! 

Gran giving Elijah a kiss

Elijah giving Gran a kiss!

Cousin Molly had so much fun playing with her littlest cousin!

Nap time! Gran made a pallet for our little fella in her dining room.  I can remember spending may holiday dinners in that beautiful dining room!

This belonged to Pop. It was his baby lamp. Gran would have loved for us to take it with us but there was no way we could take it on the plane. :( Maybe we can find a way when we are back in November!

Cousin Ben had a cool gift for Elijah, his first pair of converse!

Ben also had some fun onesies for Elijah...which ended up being a good things because we had a  diaper blowout!

Cousin Kevin has a way with ELijah!

The "Paparazzi"!

Uncle Paul gives his great nephew some cuddles. (Congrats on your RN Cert, Uncle Paul!)
I was so touched by everyone that came to see us and to meet Elijah. It was the first time that all the cousins had been together (with the exception of my brothers) for over ten years and it reminded me of Christmases long past. Love you, McLoone Clan! See you in November!

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