26 August 2012

Four Months Old!

Here we are at four months already. Oh, how time flies when you are having fun! And that exactly what is happening in the Parish home!  Our baby is growing by leaps and bounds every day!  I still look at this incredible little boy and can't believe he is ours! We went for our four month check up and Elijah is now over sixteen pounds and twenty seven and a quarter inches.  He is definitely our BIG boy! He says "mom" and although I am pretty sure he doesn't know exactly what it means, he does tend to say it when he feels he is in distress.  I try to respond quickly when I hear it so that he will hopefully begin to associate that word with me.  Chip and I also play the Mama, Elijah, Daddy Elijah game that we made up with him to help him learn to say our names.  He "helps" me when I change his diaper by holding his legs. I know he began this because he is fascinated by his feet but I do think he is now doing it because of the praise he receives from me for being such a big help. :) His hand/eye/mouth coordination is incredible.  I know that he will quickly become a master at feeding himself once we begin our baby lead weaning and start solids, though I think we are several months from that. Neither of us is ready to give up or cut back on our nursing. Elijah continues to love to chat and can often be found deep in conversation with me, his Daddy or the dogs. He is still very comfortable meeting and being held by new people. No sign of teeth yet and this nursing mother is thankful for that, although I know he is experiencing some discomfort already. We are managing that with some great organic teething toys my mother gave us, an amber necklace, some herbal teething drops and Myrtle Essential Oil.

As this parenting journey continues, every day is filled with new milestones, joy and challenges....but mostly joy. He is quickly catching up to Mr. Bear in size too! Take a look at this month's photo shoot!

This boy is full of smiles!

Loves snuggling with Mr. Bear!

"Good Morning Mama!"

Silly boy. 


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