04 August 2012

The Big Latch On - Houston, Tx

I am proud and blessed to be able to exclusively breast feed our son, Elijah. The benefits of EBFing are too many to name and I am thrilled that we live in a community that offers ample breast feeding support...if you surround yourself with the right people. Elijah and I regularly attend La Leche League meetings as well as Houston Babywearers. Both of these groups are fantastic for not only breastfeeding support but all aspects of attachment parenting. We are also thrilled to have the resources at Nurtured Family at our finger tips. This year, Elijah and I took part in The Big Latch On.  Our event took place at Nurtured Family. The Big Latch On is an annual event where thousands of Mamas and Babies around the world all nurse for one minute together. Last years record was 5687 worldwide. The Big Latch On is a great event that spreads the message of Breast Feeding Support. Their objectives are:

Aims of the Big Latch On

  • Support for communities to identify and grow opportunities to provide ongoing breastfeeding support and promotion.
  • Raise awareness of breastfeeding support and knowledge available in communities.
  • Help communities positively support breastfeeding in public places.
  • Make breastfeeding a normal part of the day-to-day life at a local community level.
  • Increase support for women who breastfeed - women are supported by their partners, family and the breastfeeding knowledge that is embedded in their communities.
  • Communitiies have the resources to advocate for coordinated appropriate and accessible breastfeeding support services. 

I was so excited to participate in such an awesome event and of course, we documented our participation with photos!

Elijah and Mommy getting ready to head out to the Big Latch On !

Elijah's getting his mouth warmed up

We met another very happy baby named Joshue (to the left in the yellow) I think Elijah and Joshua are the two happiest babies I have ever seen!

Great group of ladies getting ready to "Latch On" their babies

We breast fed our babies with thousands of others across the globe for one minute....

But one minute wasn't long enough for most of us so we kept going!

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