31 July 2012

Uncle Brad Photographs Elijah

My brother, Brad has been visiting us for the past couple of weeks which has been great! He brought with him an AWESOME camera (ahhh, camera envy) that our Aunt Shula gifted him with when he went with her to Hawaii recently. It takes incredible pictures and Brad and I had some fun with Elijah in the park. I am hoping that we get to take some more and that maybe I can convince Brad to take a family portrait of Chip, Elijah and me.  Here are some of my favorites!
Brad caught this one earlier in the day when Elijah was napping

I LOVE that sweet smile!

He sat by himself for a total of three seconds. Brad was able to snap a picture just before he fell over. :)

Love this little baby boy!

Mommy readjusting a bit

He opens his arms a lot. He is very trusting and laid back. 

He also folds his hands which I adore. 

"Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day. Love, Elijah"

Beautiful Boy

His hair is still looking red like his Grandma Parish and Uncle Brad. I wonder if it will stay that way. 

Silly baby
I just love this sweet face!

"Mommy you're funny"

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