26 July 2012

Three Months Old!

Well here we are, three months old! A year ago, we were getting ready for our frozen embryo transfer in mid August, fingers crossed and hands in prayer! And now we are parents of this amazing little baby boy.  I have to say it is everything I ever hoped for and more.  Elijah is such a delight to be around.  He has a sweet disposition and brings so much joy to our home.  I am also LOVING being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM).   We attend La Leche League and North Houston Babywearers monthly. I am thinking of also attending Houston Wrappers which is a group that focuses just on wrap carriers. I am planning the purchase of my first woven wrap carrier and am very excited about being a part of this part of the Babywearing community. We also attend some local Moms groups in our community and plan to start attending MOPS in the fall.  Elijah loves our time with the other moms and especially their children. He is happy just watching them play and run and I can see his desire forming to be a part of it.

We had our three month doctor visit yesterday and Elijah is continuing to grow at perfect pace. He is now 14 pounds 11 ounces and 25.1 inches. Thank goodness the growth spurt slowed a bit so I can enjoy my little baby a bit longer. :) So far he has reached all the milestones on time or ahead of schedule:
*Sleeps through the night
*Lifts head at 90 degrees when on tummy
*Rolls over from front to back
*Rolls over from back to front
(He does not do the rolling over very often but he can do it)
*Swipes at dangling objects
*"Talks" Lots of very serious sounding and fun sounding conversations and he will go on for several minutes using both vowel and consonant sounds
*Stands when holding my hands and supports entire weight on his legs
*Makes facial expressions so happiness and other emotions. (He has one heck of a bottom lip that sticks out when he is upset about something. That lip will be the death of me!)
*Definitely knows who Chip and I are
*Has great hand eye  cordination. He began picking up objects about three weeks ago and after only a couple days was able to get them in his mouth
*Grasps hands together. This is one of my favorites. He looks like such a sweet good boy with his hands folded. He also does this while nursing which is ADORABLE!
*Follows objects, people, animals with his eyes
*laughs and squeals with delight (another favorite of ours!)
*Staring to nap regularly, at least one long one a day and several shorties
*Has great head control and I am even able to wear him on my back now, but I still prefer the front holds so we can snuggle
*Can sit up when leaned on something
*blows spit bubbles...gross but also cute. He is not a big drooler yet thank goodness.

So as you can see we have been very busy. He also had some favorite toys. My mother gave him this rattle thing that has these rubber tubes shooting out of it in different colors. He reaches for that first and can spend fifteen minutes or more chewing on and playing with that.  He also loves these bride and groom rubber ducks that we have on the edge of our tub and spends the first five minutes of his bath time admiring them. We took our monthly photos yesterday (a day early) and I cannot believe how much he has grown! See for yourself!

I love this smiling boy! This was my favorite 3 month photo!

Just chilling with Mr. Bear

"Mommy, we are having breakfast after this, right?"

Typical Elijah face

Sweetest little feet I ever did see!

Such a happy baby! Big smiles for Mama!

Lots of smiles and then........

........he sees the camera and we are all serious. This is why it is so hard to get smiling pictures. He gets very serious as soon as he noticed he is being photographed for filmed!

Our laid back baby!

"Ok I think I am done for the day"

"See you next time!"

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