05 July 2012

The Parishes go to San Francisco AND Elijah's First Airplane trip!

Being worn by Mommy in her Baby K'tan through the Houston Airport!
 Earlier this week, Chip, Elijah and I had the opportunity to take a trip to San Francisco! It was Elijah's first trip on an airplane. I was very nervous. He has been such an amazing, peaceful child so far but he is only two months old and I did not know what to expect.  All that worry was for nothing! My awesome boy proved that he can handle all situations! He did not make one peep during the flights, even with out screaming children on the plane. He was cool as a cucumber! It was a whirlwind of a trip. We arrived on Monday and had the opportunity to take a self directed WALKING tour of San Fran. The next day, I would be shooting my Meaningful Beauty infomercial (more on this in a separate post) so we had to get all of our site seeing in on that first day. We walked to the Bay Bridge (about a mile and a half) and had a wonderful lunch at a little seafood place with a great view. IT was about another two miles to Fisherman's Wharf and Giradelli Square where we had AMAZING ice cream sundaes! I have been limiting my diary intake because Elijah has reflux so I really enjoyed this splurge. And it didn't really bother Elijah since I have been super careful lately. We stayed at the beautiful Clift Hotel, right near liberty square which is close to where I stayed when I came to San Francisco in Feburary......30 WEEKS PREGNANT! I have to say that traveling with a baby is WAY BETTER than traveling at 30 weeks pregnant, especially traveling with THIS BABY!
Our first airplane ride with our sweet son. 

"I don't know what everyone was worried about. I knew I could handle this!"

Happy in the Baby K'atan. It is my carrier of choice for sitting for long periods of time and general snuggling.  (Though I am on the market for a woven wrap and really excited about finding one suitable for Houston heat!)

At 14 pounds, my two month old always seems so big to me.  But in this bed, he looks like the little baby that came into this world not long ago!

"Okay, Mommy. I am ready for you to pick me up now"

Such a beautiful face!

That silly smile and double chin melts my heart. 

Dressed and ready for adventure in the new city

This is his first pair of shoes!  I normally don't put shoes on him but San Francisco gets cold and  his socks never stay on his feet. It was fun to see his cute little feet in sneakers. He is already wearing a size 2!
The view from our dinner table at Sinbad's. 

Our baby was well protected from the sun and wind! Thanks Grandmama!

Elijah looking at the ocean (well the bay) for the first time. 

Walking with Daddy by San Francisco Bay

Chip's butterscotch sundae at Ghiradelli's! Yum!~

I enjoyed the most delicious chocolate covered strawberry sundae ever! (And didn't feel the least bit guilty because we walked A TON!)

Riding on the cable car. They packed us in there like sardines...but we were lucky enough to have a seat!

Elijah slept through his cable car ride.....thank goodness Chip brought a jacket that fit around us so we stayed warm. 

Sweet sleeping boys. Love. 
"Love my Daddy's beard"

Daddy was all set to wear his baby while Mommy shot her commerical!

Our room had HUGE mirrors and Elijah enjoyed looking at the "other baby".

We found a great little Italian restaurant after a busy day of filming!

Tired boy, ready to go home tomorrow. 

Happy Independence Day! Time to head back to Houston!  (Thanks Annie for the great outfit!)

"Do we have time for a quick snack before we go?"

A good meal puts my baby right to sleep. 

We took a quick family photo outside of our hotel.

All smiles in the ride to the airport!

"Mommy, are we going home now?"

He already looks like such a kind little boy. 

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