08 April 2014

Turning 35…..Yowza!


I can’t believe it. I am 35 years old! The same age as my mom was when she had my youngest brother when I was 17. That is just crazy to me. I guess 35 is sort of a milestone. Definitely middle aged at this point. I love where I am at 35. I have a beautiful growing family which I live and would die for. What more could a girl want? My family went out of their way to make my day special and I love them for it (and many other things!).

As I was laying in bed the night before with the twins, I heard commotion downstairs. Being the paranoid worrier I am, I listened at the nursery door for a minute then crept over the banister and looked over just in time to see my parents in law walk out the door and Chip to yell at me to stay upstairs. I smiled knowing some sort of surprise awaited me in the morning. And I was right! When the kids and I went downstairs, we were greeted with balloons, cupcakes (dairy/gluten free!) and presents from my thoughtful in laws. My sweet mother in law later told me that she wanted to make sure my morning was special. So thoughtful.

I was excited to go online and order a few things from amazon with the gift my parents sent. I am anxiously awaiting a Travel Mug French Press for loose tea that I am super excited about! It will be perfect for my lactation tea! I also ordered silicone cupcake/muffin liners. I do a lot of baking and this will be perfect!

One of my favorite meals is Dungeness crab legs so Chip and I decided that since we have yet to try restaurant dining with three under two (kiddos) that it made sense to get some from the grocery store and steam them at home. We invited the Senior Parishes and the kids and I went to HEB to get 4 yummy pounds of crab. Snow crab happened to be on sale which is a close second favorite so that is what I bought.

After Elijah got up from him nap,  I propped open the back door (as I do on the beautiful days) so he could run in and out of the house as he pleases and I could easily keep an eye on him as I got things ready for dinner. Chip came home early that day as he was not feeling too good. I was sad he was sick but it was nice to have him home early for my birthday. He presented me with a personal gift I had requested (that I had stretched out while I was pregnant) and a surprise…….an awesome camera bag!!! My goodies had not arrived yet so I actually got pictures of them instead of the actual gifts but I am so excited about both! It was custom made just for me and since it has already been purchased, I can’t pull up a picture online but it is AWESOME!!!!

Another fun surprise arrived on my birthday.  I had ordered books of each of the babies birth stories and one of them combined. I was so excited to see them sitting on the porch when I walked out to get the mail. Happy birthday to me!

It was really an awesome day with lots of fun and surprises. Thanks to my sweet family for making it so special.


I walked down to see a kitchen table full of sweet surprises!!! (Notice the Sesame Street decals in the kitchen. We are celebrating Elijah’s birthMonth then the characters will move to the playroom and his bedroom)


As always, balloons were a big hit with this boy.



Yummy cupcakes and a “naked” one for Elijah


Flowers arrived special delivery from New Jersey. Thanks Papa John and Mimi!


Elijah’s gift to me was mowing the lawn. Heehee.


His real gift was the sweet moment I happen to catch of my boy and his dog. Best Friends. Except when Wrigley tries to steal Elijah’s food.


Two of my boys.


I love the chaos that has become my living room. Well, maybe I just wish the room was a little bigger.


The birth story books. LOVE how they turned out!


Cards from the men in my life and a special yummy treat from Chip!


The camera bag which is showing as SHIPPED!


Crabs on the stove getting nice and steamy!


A table set for the ultimate dining experience! The first  batch of crab legs is all ready to go!\


Elijah enjoyed the yummy cupcake


That’s actually his yummy face


Mmmmm cupcake……


Loved the card from my kiddos


I had a sweet moment at the end of the night where I picked up Patrick while he was sleeping and he grabbed onto my arm. I just love me sweet boys.



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