26 April 2014

Elijah’s Second Birthday


My baby is TWO! Elijah will tell you he’s “two olds” and I feel the same way. He is TOO old! Heehee. I love watching him grow and mature but every day I look at him, I know in my heart that he will never be this little again. So on his birthday we celebrate not only his birth, growth and development but his “littleness” as well. He is an amazing sweet little boy with the most golden heart I have ever known.

In two year old Elijah, I see such love for others. He is affectionate and I see a conscience beginning to develop. We have started using time outs as our chosen form of discipline and although he is not a fan (of course) he understands now when he is doing something wrong. There have been times when he touches something he knows he is not supposed to touch and he will look at me and say “No time out”. So hard to not crack a smile at that but I keep my cool and tell him to go to his little time out alcove which he does begrudgingly and sits until he hears the timer on my phone…right now just one long minute.  I am doing my best to model my parenting after the Love and Logic school of thought and that seems to work for Elijah.  Elijah is also showing signs that we are in a window of opportunity for potty training. He tells me when he goes poopy (usually after it happens) but his awareness makes me think we might be able to tackle this task and so this Wednesday, I decided to mark on our calendar as the day we begin potty training! We will at least give it a shot and see if he really is ready. I am excited to undertake this, but also kind of intimidated. We will see how it goes.

Elijah is developing at record speeds in his learning and can count to 10 consistently and also knows a lot of his ABC’s. He knows all the basic colors and is able to identify some letters and numbers by sight. He has developed a taste for Wheel of Fortune thanks to some visits with Granny and Grandmother and Grandaddy and it actually seems to have helped with this skill so we will occasionally let him watch it at home. He is an AMAZING big brother and loves to shower his little brothers with hugs and kisses…to the point that the only time I can do tummy time with the twins is when Elijah naps because he wants to be down there with them hugging them and I really don’t want to kill his joy (so easy to do with little ones) by telling him not to hug them so we try to do most of the productive tummy time when Elijah  is sleeping.

We are just so beside ourselves in love with this sweet little boy and excited to celebrate his little life! One of his loves right now is Sesame Street, especially Elmo so we decided to throw Elijah a Sesame Street birthday party. We started talking about birthdays last month around my Dad’s birthday and Elijah became obsessed with “Pop Bir-day!”. The way he says birthday sounds British, like a  cockney accent. So cute. The obession with “Pop Bir-day” never went away and whenever we talked about “Eli-ya Bir-day” he would mention Pop’s as well.

Well our “Elmo Bir-day” was a huge success! I found some neat ideas for food design on Pinterest and had fun getting decorations together.  Elijah was surrounded by family and friends and I know he felt so special which was the whole purpose behind this special celebration.


I got a shot of our Wrigley before he went next door to visit during the party. Wrigley is great with kids but some of our smaller guests are a little scared of his “bigness”.


Oscar The Grouch veggie tray


Elmo Strawberry Platter (one of Elijah’s faves!”


Big Bird Pineapple


I found an awesome back drop for photo ops! Photobooth style!



At one point, Granny was holding Patrick and Elijah decided that she should pick him up as well.


Patrick looking cute and concerned in his Burt birthday hat


Rory played the part of Ernie so well


The Parish family redheads



“Doin the pigeon”



My jolly little Ernie


Loves his Grandaddy


Rory catching a quick snack while I visit with our good friend, Katie.


We had a party full of baby whisperers. Danny got so many smiles out of Rory.


On our menu were all things Elijah loves. Here he is enjoying strawberries, veggie chips and popcorn.


Patrick thought Granny was so funny!


Elijah enjoyed watching his birthday montage video.


My little Elijah, I love you from here to the sun! (cause is further than the moon!)


Papa John came all the way from New Jersey for this special birthday!


We were so excited to have Rah Rah join us….but we knew she wouldn’t miss it. Smile


My old and dear friend Amber was awesome getting Rory to sleep!


One of Elijah’s new favorite characters is Abby!


My sweet boys hanging out with the gang from Sesame Street


Our friend Halle had fun posing too!


The birthday boy!


Mama and Rory <3


My outdoor boy enjoying the beautiful birthday weather!


Slam dunk with Daddy


“This way Grandmother”


Playing ball with his Daddy


Modeling after Daddy


High five! Okay maybe low five.



The tower of homemade cupcakes.


My boy loved his serenade.


Happy Birthday to you!


Cupcake time!


That’s definitely my child…going after the icing first.


Kisses for the birthday boy.


Cupcakes with friends are the best!


Avery did such a great job with Patrick….future babysitter????


Love Mallory. So great to our kids.


Enjoying is Elijah sized four wheeler.



Auntie Heather stepped from behind the camera to get some baby time.



Our strong Patrick is just over nine and a half pounds and stands supported!


Happy Birthday sweet Elijah. I cannot wait to see what wonders your third year brings.

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