10 October 2012

One Hand, One Heart...Three Years

It is hard to believe that three years ago today, Chip and I took our vows and became one.  It some ways it seems like ages ago.  My life is practically unrecognizable from what it was back then.  So many dreams have been realized, so many paths taken, choices made and lives changed.  So much has happened and yet today was about remembering......a sweet Saturday afternoon and evening full of family, blood and chosen, surrounding us together as we joined our lives forever.

Since today was a  weekday, and Elijah and I returned from our trip to San Antonio late afternoon, Chip and I chose to have a quiet celebration at home tonight with our son. (We will have our big date on Saturday!)  We decided to watch our wedding video with Elijah. This was an extra special treat for him since he is not yet allowed to watch television....a treat that he DID NOT appreciate since he was more interested in cuddling and nursing. (Oh, how I love motherhood!).   We don't watch our wedding video often but every time we do, we each notice things that we had not before....normally they are funny little comments or facial expressions. Chip and I love to laugh. Humor is so important in our home and in our lives and it is that humor that helps us get through rough spots, and makes the joyful times that much better. Humor is definitely our love language for one another, something that we have in common with my own parents. 

Since I knew we would be watching the wedding video tonight, I wanted to prepare something a little special as a surprise so I made a little video for Chip of some of our wedding photos, concentrating on those with just the two of us. It was the perfect way to set the mood for the night and my little "valentine" to give to my sweet, hardworking and protective husband. And, of course, now that he has seen it, I would love to share it with all of you......

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