16 October 2012

Elijah Arrives in San Antonio a Scooter.....Departs as a CRAWLER!

Elijah and I spent a couple days in San Antonio with my mother and brother Brad. While we were there, Elijah decided that he is through with scooting and ready to crawl! He had been on the verge for about a month or so but never managed to get more than one "step". Well, he found motivation in the form of some colored balls that came with a new playhouse my mother gave him and he was off! The video shows him going after the balls. He is not proficient in the video but by the next day, he moving and grooving all over the place and now he is definitely a mobile baby and it is time for a baby gate and some baby proofing! I can't believe this little boy is crawling ALREADY!As he continues to knock his milestones out of the park, I am just glowing with pride and although I want him to excel in all he does, it is all okay by me if he slows down just a tad. I want to enjoy these last months I have of him as a baby! I know that true toddler hood really doesn't start until after the first year but it is just flying by and every day he gets more and more independent as his personality develops and he continues to learn and to grow.  In Elijah, I already see a kind heart and a gentle curiosity that I love. Although we have noticed that when he is overly tired, that gentle demeanor is not quite as apparent.  I am excited to see what the next month will bring us.  He has already pulled up to standing....he kind of says "Mama" or "Mom" still when he is distressed but not consistent enough for a first word....so maybe that will be the next milestone we hit. Wow. What an incredible ride this is.  

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