19 October 2012

Angela....The Handy Woman

While we were in San Antonio, this week, Grandmama and Pop gave Elijah a playhouse. Since Chip was not on this trip with us and we could not wait to try out the gift, I took it upon myself to assemble this toy. This was my very first assembly job and I must say, I did not do too bad. I enlisted my mother to apply the stickers as she has a much more careful hand than I.  She also helped in identifying some of the pieces and getting once of the tougher screws in.  But I did most of the work myself and am pretty proud. (Yes, it takes very little these days) :) It was a little scary at first as I began to take the seemingly endless parts and pieces out of the box. But as I began to get overwhelmed, I just took a deep breath and dove in, one step at a time. As my mother pointed out, it is not that I CAN'T do this sort of thing. It is more that I have Chip to do it for me so I guess I have gotten a little lazy. But this little project gave me a whole new sense of confidence in my mechanical abilities and I can't wait for the next big thing! Maybe Chip will reconsider letting me hang pictures on our walls myself (hint, hint).

"The Parts"

Elijah was a great helper

Mama in action!

Mama really in action

The finished product and our satisfied customer!

He LOVES his new playhouse!

It is also a perfect "pull up" tool!

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