03 October 2012

Oh What A Beautiful Morning

Since becoming a Stay At Home Mama, morning has quickly become my very favorite time of day. I ALWAYS wake up to a smiling happy baby....at least on the days Elijah wakes up before me. On the other days, HE wakes up to a smiling, happy Mama. I love nursing him in the morning. He is very quietly alert at that time of day and so doesn't get distracted and we really get some special moments to bond. Don't get me wrong, I love to nurse him ANY time of day, but mornings are my favorite. Then we read his books. Some days we just get one in before he is ready to continue on our day. But some mornings, like this morning, he is content to just sit and listen to me read to him for as many as five or six books. After that we do a morning "pump" for our milk donations and take our supplements then it is off on our walk after some snuggle time with Daddy!  Elijah and I have walked an hour almost every morning without fail for the past three and a half months. It is a quiet and peaceful time for us.  Sometimes we pray about what's in our heart and the day ahead of us. Every day I sing to him always starting out with "Oh What A Beautiful Morning" and "You Are My Sunshine" followed by some children's bible songs. Elijah gets this big happy smile on his face when I sing to him, even when I am off key (which his Daddy will say is most of the time).  He loves it because it is his Mama's voice. Our walks have become even more special by the people we meet. We recently met a retired school teacher and, together, we rescued a dog from certain destruction on Louetta Avenue.  We have since become friends with her I am going to help her learn how to use her computer so she can better stay in touch with her family and grandson.   We see her out all the time now when we are walking and Elijah always has a big smile for Miss Susan.  A lot of the people we have seen on our walks for the past few months are starting to stop and talk to Elijah and comment on how much he has grown. I so love our sweet little neighborhood and the "Mayberry" feel I am starting to have for it.  And I love sharing these mornings with Elijah.

Here are some pictures of our mornings that I took a couple months ago. 

The happy baby I wake up to every morning

Love these quiet moments with Mama and Son
Daddy gets some good snuggles in every morning

I think a love of books and reading will come easily to this one
Rock and Roll baby ready for his walk

Taking it all in

Such a happy boy
Music time when we get home!

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