26 October 2012

Halloween For Us

Chip and I LOVE Halloween. Our costumes are usually thought out and planned well in advance of the holiday.  I grew up loving Halloween, for many different reasons. First of all, my love of fantasy and dressing up made it a favorite. The actress in me always loved getting the chance spend a day or evening in costume as a favorite character or figure.  It also meant beautiful fall weather when I lived up North.  There were big piles of leaves all over and colorful ones that still remained on the trees. It also mean that my mother would begin playing her Christmas music in anticipation of a whole other season.  As I have gotten older, and moved around, my love for Halloween has not diminished, though it's meaning to me has changed. And as I am upon the beginning of another season of life, motherhood, Halloween is taking on a whole new meaning. Instead of planning my own costume (This year I have tiger ears so I can be the Mama Tiger to my baby) and finding a cool way to top last year's celebration in a big way, I am planning my son's Halloween and taking pictures of his bare bum next to pumpkins. My how life has changed. I am so excited to celebrate fall and Halloween with Elijah and to see how ADORABLE he is surrounded by all this luscious orange! I am not sure how we will spend our Halloween.  It will likely be playing with our boy in the living room while we wait for tick or treaters to make their way to our door.  But I had  quite a bit of fun having a little mini celebration with Elijah in the form of a holiday photo shoot. Unfortunately, I did not use a flash and there was not enough natural light to escape the dreaded grainy effect that I tend to get when I shoot indoors, but with a little editing, they didn't turn out half bad. With such a cute subject, how could they be anything but super cute!

I had so wanted to paint Elijah little tushy with a pumpkin but I didn't want to use anything unnatural on his little bottom SO...I found a recipe for homemade finger paint and that is what I used! It didn't turn out half bad but he wouldn't sit still long enough to get the shot that I wanted so I just took a quick photo of his cute little bottom and wiped it off.

The cutest tiger I have ever seen!

"Mama, I want this BIG pumpkin!"

Such a sweet and happy boy.....and so handsome!

My little pumpkin pie!

"What you talkin' bout, Willis? Your not taking my pumpkin!"


I seriously need to frame this one!

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