27 October 2012

Pumpkin Carving and Family Night Out

The Parish family had an amazing weekend filled Halloween spirit and family fun! Chip and I have enjoyed the tradition of carving pumpkins together for years. It was so much fun to do it this year as a family of three....especially because I was able to live out one of my Mommy/Halloween/Pumpkin Carving dreams! Chip got pretty creative with his pumpkin as well. It was a great day and perfect cool, fall weather to get us in the spirit! After we were finished with our creations and Elijah had a nap, we went out for a family dinner to Lupe Tortilla. It was the picture perfect day, one of those days that you wish you could live over and over again.
"What do I want to make with my pumpking?"

"I know! Pumpkin Pie!"

Mama and her blank canvas.

Daddy has given himself quite the challenge.  Can he do it?

Let the annual Parish pumpkin carving commence! 

"Daddy, you're funny!"

Scooping out the yummy seeds!

What is Mama making with her pumpkin....hmmm.....
That is my kind of pumpkin pie!

I have wanted to do this for years!

My baby is such a good sport!

I just love that bright orange!

Love that baby!
Elijah is fascinated by his socks. 

Wrigley joined in on the fun. 

Mama and her finished pumpkin!

Perfect size to fit in a pumpkin!

Getting in some cuddles while Daddy works on his masterpiece. 


The fruits of over an hours worth of labor

The fruits of twelve hours of labor. :)

Wrigley is worn out! He worked hard today.

In the light. 

Okay you have to admit, that is pretty darn awesome! Yup, MY husband carved that!

Lots of yummy pumpkin seeds to bake!

Ready for our dinner date with Daddy!

Love our matching legs!

Waiting for our table

Rare photo of the three of us at the same time :)

Daddy had burp duty after Elijah ate his dinner!

26 October 2012

Six Months Old

Six Months. Half of a year. I can hardly believe it.  I know I say it often but it has just flown by, especially this month when our boy was hitting his milestones so fast, one right after the other. Our days are filled with outdoor walks, music, books and playtime....and of course running the occasional errand or doing housework with my sweet son strapped securely and happily to my back.  Was there ever any other way of life? Not as good as this, no sir! Are there days when I want to rip my hair out and run screaming down the street? Occasionally. But I had way more days like that in my former life, sitting in crazy Houston traffic hours a day and dealing with unruly clients. Now I have only one client and he is rarely unruly. Everything has a beautiful new meaning and that meaning is napping happily as I grab a few stolen moments to update you on his sixth month. So what can he do now? Well let me tell you!

*Feed himself -We are doing baby led weaning and he eats regular solid food, not every day but several times a week and he feeds it to himself. Everything from broccoli to baked sweet potato sticks.
*Drinks water from a cup -I help him drink from a regular cup but he also has a special straw cup that he can operate himself. This kid loves his water!
*"Talks" - We don't know what he is saying most of the time, but Elijah has the gift of gab for sure! He will go on and on, and when he is tired he will talk to himself.
*Says Mama - Okay this one is a little gray. He has been saying "Mama" when he is upset and wants me for a while now (about a month and a half)  but I didn't count it because I wasn't sure he knew what he was saying. I am sure now. He is very consistent with his use of it and although he still only says it when he is in distress and not in my arms, I do believe he knows what he is saying so we will make it official, first word "Mama"!
*Sitting - He has been sitting without support for a month and a half but he now can put himself in a seated position from standing or from crawling
*Crawling - he mastered this one very quickly
*Pulls himself up to standing - He can do this with ANYTHING! Walls, ottomans, legs, toys......he is so not interested in crawling and just wants to stand and walk!
*Cruising - He pretty much started doing this the same day he started pulling up.....he wants to walk so bad so it was a natural thing for him to do. He tries to let go and walk but falls...thank goodness...I am NOT ready for my boy to walk quite yet!
*Caregiver Preference - He will now reach out for someone if he wants to go to them. I LOVE THIS, not just when he reaches for me but it is also so sweet to see him reaching for others that love him. It is neat to see him developing emotional attachments to people.

He continues to have such a sweet disposition and loves to be around people. But I am also starting to see his will shine through. He is not a fan of diaper changes or clothing changes, something that he used to not mind. He continues to be a good sleeper at night but naps have become somewhat of a challenge...new territory for us.  I would love to get him back on a nap schedule somehow and it is a work in progress. The lack of naps coupled with teething can make for some pretty tiring days for us Elijah and me but every stage is merely a season, sadly so in some cases. He used to do this ADORABLE little splashy move with his legs when we took a bath. It was the cutest thing ever.  But no more. I was so sad when that ended because it is so darn cute! I try to get as much of these sweet things captured digitally as I can but it is sometimes hard to keep up!  Still, I do pretty well capturing his sweet moments.  And so, here are the pictures from his six month photo shoot!

Another month, another photo shoot! SIX MONTHS BABY!

Is Mr. Bear shrinking? 

Nope, Elijah is GROWING!

"Mama, I don't think I am going to sit still today. What do YOU think?"

Elijah lounging around...
"Ok Mom...enough with the photos"

"I'm outta here!"

"Just kidding. I'm back!"

Mama's little camera ham!

This chair was his Daddy's built for him by his Granddaddy McCraw

A perfect Elijah sized rocking chair!

"I see you Bonnie!"

"I love my chair, Mama!"

Sweet boy

"Trick or treat... smell my feet!"

Daddy's boy

This kid can pose!

"My Daddy's name!"