13 November 2013

Visitors From The North!

We recently had some visitors that we were super excited to receive. Papa John, Mimi, Aunt Brianna and Uncle Johnny came down from New Jersey to spend a long weekend with Elijah, Chip and me! It was such a fun visit though TOO SHORT! :)

The first night, we enjoyed dinner out at Locatelli's Pizza! This week marks the end of my second trimester and one of the ways Chip and I have marked the end of trimesters has been in the indulgence of a Locatelli's pizza. It is special treat for a pregnant Mama who is trying her best to steer clear of carbs. So I was super excited to chow down on the yummy garlic and pepperoni pizza! It was fun to celebrate this milestone with our family from the North. :)

I can't tell you how long I have been craving this! While we were there I found out that Locatelli's had reccently started making gluten free pizza! Um, yes please! I may not wait until the babies come for a little Locatelli's indulgence this time. 
Friday night Papa John and Mimi spent a romantic evening at the Houstonian Hotel to celebrate their wedding anniversary and the next morning, we all went to join them.  Mama and Mimi were treated to a day at the spa! Can I just tell you how much I needed that! It was an awesome prenatal massage and pregnancy friendly vitamin C facial and it was AWESOME!!! While we were having our treatments, all the boys and Brianna had some fun at the basketball court, checked out the awesome wooded running track and went swimming!

This is the "before" shot....before we are pampered! There was a float pool in the spa. Cathy helped me float around on my back. It was WONDERFUL. 

Grabbing a quick bite after our spa day. The "after" shot! Relaxed and refreshed!

Elijah enjoying some Mimi snuggles. 

Fun with the sculpture at the Houstonian. 

Brianna was not quite as thrilled as me to pose with this fella.

Elijah really enjoyed his time with his Aunt and Uncle. He really seemed to enjoy Johnny who had lots of fun getting on the floor with Elijah and playing with him. It was great for Elijah to have someone playing with him all weekend.

Elijah enjoyed being pushed in his new favorite toy ( a ride on airplane from Granmumsy and Pop) and I think Johnny really enjoyed the awesome sounds it made. 

Sunday, the Coppolinos and Parishes enjoyed a morning at church together! We love our church, Spring Baptist, and always love the chance to share the experience. We happen to be singing some of my favorite praise songs that weekend (10,000 Reasons, The Great I Am) and although our Pastor was on a retreat that weekend, another pastor at the church filled in brilliantly and gave a fabulous sermon. It was an awesome morning.

Getting a little playtime in before church. Just love his new overalls from Grandmother and Granddad......LOVE little boys in overalls! 

He is just so cute when he plays by himself. He really seems to be "pretending" lately in his playtime. 

My sweet boy so tired from all the weekend fun. 

Such a good boy sitting in the pew while the adults visit. 

A disapproving look?

Visiting with Grandmother

Papa John had so much fun with Elijah!

The dudes.  

After church, we went back to Grandmother's house for lunch. This has been a Parish semi weekly ritual that we haven't gotten to do for a while so it was an extra special treat. Grandmother made DELICIOUS chili for the cool morning and an awesome salad with all the fixings! Elijah enjoyed a walk to the park after lunch with Mama, Grandmother, Mimi and Aunt Brianna and then we stopped by to see Trish Warner and her awesome birds and dogs! My little lover of animals was in heaven!

My boy having fun at Grandmother's

This duck is actually for the bath but Elijah has such a fascination with ducks, he could not help himself when he saw it in the closet. 

I can't help but think of that scene in Batman Returns where the Penguin has that giant rubber duck that he rides from the sewer....not that Elijah is The Penguin. :) 

Relaxing after church. 

Mama and her main squeeze

My boy just loves going to feed the ducks. 

Grandmother got them to come some close and Elijah just thought that was awesome. 

Enjoying the ducks with Mimi

Perfect beautiful afternoon for  the park!

Our friends

Such a great day

Brianna really enjoyed our time at the pond. 

Grandmother had fun with Elijah on the slide

My boy loves to swing!

Here he comes!

We had lots of love from the birds at the Warners. 

My baby bump turned out to be a really great perch! 

Grandmother is apparently somewhat of a bird whisperer. 

Elijah LOVED the big fish tank. 

He was so gentle with the birds and even got to pet one!

It was the end to an awesome weekend and we were so glad to have them stay with us!  Next time we see Papa John, Mimi, Uncle Johnny and Brianna, we will will have two more kiddos in tow!

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