30 November 2013

Elijah's First Haircut......19 Month Update

A First Haircut
Chip and I have been saying for several weeks (maybe more) that it was time for Elijah to get his first haircut. Although I think my sweet boy is adorable no matter what, even I had to admit there was becoming a certain "Joe Dirt" quality to his hairstyle with the top and back becoming pretty long and fly always on the sides. This boy needed a trim. It is a pretty emotional milestone, the first haircut. After all, you are cutting away strands that have been there from close to the beginning. And as I would later find out, they look less like a baby and more like a toddler once that new hairstyle comes into play.  I walked in with my baby and walked out with a big boy! I am sure not everyone has this reaction to their "baby's" first haircut but for me, it was a significant sign of the ongoing changes of kid-dom and parenthood. It's a reminder not to blink, to capture every precious moment you can and enjoy the ride.  Now don't get me wrong, I think Elijah's new look is absolutely ADORABLE! In fact, I can't stop staring at him and patting myself on the back about how cute my kid is! I am awestruck by his sweet face and personality.  And every since the haircut, I find myself looking at him even more, thinking "how cute is my boy!".  But it is bittersweet. A little more of the "baby" is gone and I am so glad that I am diligent about photographing my family and have those memories to not only think back on but look on as well. And I am sure it is no surprise, that this process was photographed and documented. :) 

Daddy and Elijah - pre-haircut!

The "before". My sweet baby. 

One last snuggle with my little guy before they snip away some of that beautiful hair. 

Elijah was not thrilled at the prospect of sitting in the chair alone so they brought in the bigger chair and had him on my lap. 

We went to Snipits, which is a really cute kids salon located right inside our HEB grocery store.  We loved our hair stylist, Maci and will definitely use them again!

"just a little off the sides"

They had a box of NEWLY WASHED toys there to keep our kiddo entertained which was awesome. 

Elijah, checking out his new 'do in the mirror. 

My handsome little boy

Here is a before and after shot of the back. His hair was getting kind of crazy. :) 

19 Months Old
My sweet boy turned 19 months old this week. Every month he impresses me with his development and progress and continue to maintain that sweet personality that I fell in love with.  His favorite food is still bananas but he has a new favorite, garbanzo beans...which we discovered when Mama was feeling too exhausted to cook and I rationalized that he loved beans in general so why not!  He is still doing his "chores" and it has become even more apparent that he just naturally likes to help. When I dropped some snacks all over the floor from the cupboard the other day, he kneeled down without a word and just started helping me pick up my mess. Melted my heart!!! He is just such a sweet joy to have in our home!

The teachers in his Sunday school class seem to share our enthusiasm for his helpfulness. We were told that Elijah can often be found somehow consoling or helping out with the children that are crying. I love his empathetic heart!

We have been transitioning him to sleeping in his room by himself in preparation for Patrick and Rory and that is going "okay". Chip and I take turns with the monitor.  Elijah is once again not sleeping great so it has been a challenge. We THINK he may be teething some more (already???!!!) although I think he could be having night terrors. That is something that I have identified in myself as an adult and think it is possible I had it in childhood as well.  I am hoping that it is just teething and that it will pass.  In the meantime we continue his gentle nighttime routine (which Daddy took over a few months ago although I participate  in some of it).  We are making these transitions slow and gradual.  Well this week, both the nursery and Elijah's new room are being painted and so last  night, Elijah and I slept in the master bedroom. He woke up several times which was no fun but one of the times I opened my eyes to see his face to face with me (VERY close),  he took out his pacifier (we still use for night night) and gave me a big kiss right on the face then put his pacifier back and and went back to sleep. Again, heart melted! Love my sweet boy!

His language and understanding of concepts continues to explode though at times it seems to lack consistency but I know that will come with time. He is learning and accepting quite well the concept of cleaning up one set of toys before pulling out another.  I could go on and on about these kinds of developments but really, the way his sweet heart emerges in his every day life is what makes me beam with pride the most.  We are truly blessed. 

A little potty time practice. He is definitely showing an interest on sitting on it...usually while he is wearing his pants but occasionally we take off his diaper just to see what happens. So far, nothing but entertainment. 

Eating a well balanced meal of asparagus, garbanzo beans and rice. 

We enjoyed Daddy having a couple days off for Thanksgiving and had an outing to the park!

Elijah enjoyed narrating our walk. 

Walking like a big boy!

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