01 November 2013

25 Weeks Pregnant.....Rory & Patrick Update.......Nesting

15 weeks to go until my estimated due date. This pregnancy continues to fly by and I am feeling great, especially when I get enough sleep, which honestly is about 3-4 nights a week.  I had a doctor's appointment and growth ultrasound this week.  I have mixed feelings about the growth ultrasounds and although I don't mind them so much right now, I am thinking that as we get nearer to my due date, I will start declining them after the next one (in about five weeks).

First, the babies!

Rory: Rory is no longer in the 93rd percentile which thrills me, my midwife/doula, my doctor and pretty much everyone involved.  Although I am not "scared" of big babies, I know that it will make this labor and birth much easier if my babies are closer to average size.  As a result I have cut way back on carbs which hasn't been that tough because my appetite is not quite as ravenous as it has been.  I'm not sure if my dietary choices have been part of the reason for the slight slow down in growth or if it is just the natural course of things as twins' growth slows a lot sooner than singletons.  At any rate, previously almost two weeks ahead in growth, Rory measured at 26 weeks 2 days when we were 24 weeks 6 days. His aproximinat weight (which I know can be way off with ultrasounds) is 1 lb 14 oz.  Rory is also head down right now as he has been for a while. We pray that he stays in this position!

Face shot of our Rory. 

Our Baby A's profile

I'm already in love with that sweet face(Rory). Still thinking he looks like his big brother!

Rory's profile. 

Patrick: Patrick's growth has slowed down as well. Previously in the 92nd percentile, he is now in the 77th! Dr. Espana and I agreed that we would love to see them around the 60th percentile.  I want my boys to stay healthy and would also like them to have a nice easy birth. Patrick also measured almost two weeks ahead at our last visit five weeks ago and this week at 24 weeks 6 days, he measured at 25 weeks 5 days! His approximate weight matches his brother's at 1 lb 14oz. We did find Patrick is in breech position and are asking MAJOR PRAYERS for him to turn to head down and stay that way by my next appointment.  Not only is this the ideal position for babies to be in for birth, it is very uncomfortable having him breech because his head gets wedged under my ribs and really hurts. I do believe that the day after my appointment he flipped. It just felt like he was head down and I did a quick heart beat check with my fetal doppler and found his heart beat much lower (previously it has been up by my ribs and this time it was near my belly button which would make sense for head down because Rory sort of takes up most of the space down low.  My doctor doesn't seem too concerned about the breech factor, convinced that this baby will turn with no problem. And if he doesn't, he has agreed to a breech birth for our Baby B.
Our Patrick touching his face with his sweet baby hand.

Looking down on his precious face
Sort of a neat shot of both babies

Mama Update:  I had an awesome doctor appointment after the morning ultrasounds. I have been working on my birth plan and had a list of questions to ask my doctor........he answered all the questions exactly as I hoped! I was thrilled that he agreed to a vaginal breech birth if necessary and is open to the possibility of a water birth even in the hospital. I was able to let go of so many worries following my conversation with Dr. Espana, my "midhusband" as I have heard him referred to more than once in the natural birth community.  At the conclusion of this appointment I have all of my main points bulleted for my birth plans and just have to organize them and type them up! My weight continues to be increasing at a comfortable pace for my doctor, though I must admit I would like it to slow a little. I have gained about 25 pounds and my doctor believes I am on track to gain 40 lbs which is the twin recommended minimum. My blood pressure, which is always low, was at an all time low of 82/54........low enough for them to notice and comment but frankly I would rather have it super low and be at a lower risk of pre-eclampsia which is common for multiples pregnancy.  Dr. Espana told me whatever I am doing, keep doing it! So I left that doctor's office feeling pretty great about  this pregnancy!  

I am determined to get both these babies in head down position if I can because although I have the green light to deliver breech, it is not the ideal.  Right now I am committed to my exercises which include the following:

Pelvic Tilts - 40 reps 3-4 times  a day
Squats - 20 reps 3-4 times a day and then when I need to pick something up off the floor
Inversions (basically hanging upside down off the couch) 3 seconds one time a day
Walking - 25 minutes once a day then most days I get a second 10-15 min walk in
Taylor Sitting - (formerly known as Indian Style) - throughout the day
Side Lying Release - basically laying on my side with my hips stacked.  Leaning back with your feet up is not good for baby positioning so when I need to relax, this is the position I opt for!

I managed to get some 25 weeks pictures though honestly, I'm not super thrilled with how these turned out. I am still learning the ins and outs of my DSLR camera and having a little trouble with lighting and focus. But here is what we have!

25 Weeks! Look at that belly!

Just love feeling these little ones move so much!

Sweet Baby Belly, 

My big boy growing right along with my belly!

This week we were supposed to be Papaya but that is a really sugary fruit (and not in season) so I opted to use squash to represent the size of my babies! Their growth will slow down quite a bit now so we may night do fruit/veggie comparisons every update. 

Then and now. This belly has just POPPED OUT! 
Nesting.....I have been dying to get things ready for these babies! We haven't been able to do much due to some financial restrictions (issues with dogs, house cars etc keep popping up, grrrrr).  I am so ready to just have all this done and we have really barely begun.  Chip and I received some gifts for our anniversary and decided to get a few home  details taken care of that needed tending too as well as get Elijah a set of shelves for his new playroom (in progress), formerly known as the dining room.  I was also able to get our guest room (which will become Elijah's bedroom over the next month or so) cleaned out with the help of my mother in law.  This was a big undertaking that took about two hours with two of us working at it and I am so happy to have it done! Now all Elijah's former baby stuff is being stored there and it will be used as a guest room for the last time this coming week.  I am hoping we can get it painted and start getting Elijah moved over and adjusted after that.  Then we can get going on the nursery.  I already have the nursery furniture all picked out at Target!  I am very excited to have these new shelves and have already moved toys over to the dining room.  There are a few things we will leave in the living because I do want Elijah to know we want him in there with us but I think it is nice for him to have a playroom as well, a place to keep his toys.  We found a great set of shelves at Home Depot and Elijah really enjoyed helping his Daddy put them together!

Such a little helper!

High Five!

Elijah is so interested in helping. I just love it!

It has been a great couple of weeks! We have some busy weeks coming up. Papa John and Mimi are coming for a visit next weekend and then the following weekend (which marks the beginning of the third trimester!) Elijah and I will take our last trip to San Antonio before the babies come! 

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