29 November 2013

Thanksgiving Day with the Baxley Clan

This year for Thanksgiving, the Parishes decided to stay put in Houston since life is pretty hectic in the third trimester of pregnancy (working on preparing for two little ones) and Chip has lots going on at work. We thought we were going to be spending a quiet Thanksgiving at home, just the three of us until a few weeks a go we were invited to spend Thanksgiving with our friends, the Baxleys! What a fabulous Thanksgiving celebration they hosted! There were no less than 40 people milling about, children for Elijah to play with, including several older boys that he had fun chasing around with the football. The food was delicious and the company even better! I love having quiet time alone with my family but to me, Thanksgiving is about sharing the day with friends and family and this definitely MADE our Thanksgiving this year!   We were even blessed to be there for Morgan Baxley's special announcement!

Before we headed over to our friends' house, I set up my makeshift tripod (two tv tables and a hat box stacked) and we got some family photos!

Doing a little lighting test while Chip finishes getting ready

My handsome guys

I just love these boys!

Our family of five

Elijah showing off his muscles!

When we arrived at the Baxleys home, Elijah was so excited to go outside and play football with the big boys! No one could accuse our boy of being shy! He jumped right in there and made himself at home!

Elijah was ready for some outdoor time on this beautiful Thanksgiving day!

I love watching him run around. He has the cutest little strut

Go Elijah go!
Cutie pie!
Waiting for the pass
My little athlete
Love the smoke effect (from the frying turkey)
Elijah making a pass

Our host, hard at work on the yummy turkey

This turkey was a blast from the past. Nice to see Mike and Jenn Moore!

Our beautiful hostess!

Elijah and Mama getting ready for a yummy Thanksgiving dinner!

Morgan made a very special announcement before dinner......

When we arrived we were each given a bean and told to hold on to it..........
And that bean.........

.....is as big as the baby in Morgan's belly! :) 
 We are so happy for Matt and Morgan and cannot wait to watch their journey of pregnancy and welcoming a new baby into their happy family! Their two girls can't wait for a little brother or sister!

Catching up with Jenn. It has been about 4 and a half years since we hung out! (And if you look at how puffy my face is, you will  know why it is a good idea for me to steer clear of carbs during pregnancy! Yike!)

Elijah made friends with Morgan's Uncle Jack. Great guy! We really enjoyed hanging out with him 

Elijah had fun playing peekaboo with his new little friend, Peyton. 

Awwww sweet kisses. 

Mama and Daddy to be! They are both glowing!

So happy to spend this day with my new friend. :) 

THIS is what a turkey hangover looks like.

 Thank you Matt and Morgan for such sweet hospitality and making our Thanksgiving this year a special one. We look forward to many fun times together and being there for you guys as you enjoy this pregnancy journey!

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