24 November 2013

28 Weeks Pregnant! Goodbye Second Tri!

We made it to the third trimester! I count the third trimester as 26 weeks 6 days so we have enjoyed third trimesterhood for over a week now. I feel my stamina lowering and need to rest a lot more.  Two babies is exhausting! My belly is feeling super big now and when I look back at my 28 week pictures with Elijah, you can see a HUGE difference in belly size! I'm doing great with swelling though. I'm still fitting in lots of pants that were too small at this point in my pregnancy with Elijah. A majority of my weight in right up front.......though my butt size has definitely increased which is good because something has to balance out my front!

I feel lots of acrobatics going on in my belly. I can feel Patrick's head still up by my ribs so he is still breech but from my research and advice I have received from other Mama's of twins, it is not big deal when Baby B is breech because he normally turns after Baby A is born. Plus ever since my OB agreed to a breech delivery, it has been less of a worry. Although it would be ideal for both babies to be head down early on, I feel confident that our babies will be born exactly as they are supposed to be.  I think that Rory has settled pretty well in my pelvis, (head down, yay!) I feel him move a lot still but I think he is pretty comfortable in his position. Patrick is the baby I am feeling the most now! It is amazing, I can feel their little bodies through my belly. It feels like just a thin layer between me and them....and at times I think I can feel the outline of Patrick's face! It's so cool.

I completed a big milestone this week.....MY BIRTH PLANS! I have several for different stages of labor, locations, and situations so it was no small undertaking but it feels great to have that done! I know I will probably add a little to it as I continue my reading but it is basically done! Elijah has spent his first two nights sleeping solo. The first night went great....the second night (last night) not so much. I think it will be easier once he is moved into his new room because there won't be an empty futon staring back at him when he wakes up. I am hoping to get the rooms painted as soon as possible so I can get Elijah rooms set up and set up the twins as we are able to get what we need.  It will feel so good to have that done. I think about how ready I was for Elijah at this point and I am no where near there for Patrick and Rory. But I get a little something done every day and I am hoping by early January, everything will be set and I can FINALLY relax a little.

In the meantime I continue to really enjoy my time with Elijah. I still get a little sad when I think about how BIG he is going to seem to me once these little ones come.  But it will also be so wonderful to have two tiny babies in the house! Oh I so miss having a baby in the house! And I am really looking forward to piling in bed with all three of my little boys for a good snuggle! So much to do . So much to look forward to. AND the Christmas season is upon us! The most wonderful time of the year!

28 weeks! It's getting close!

My sweet boys are getting heavy!

Still loving my big belly


It just sticks straight out! Just like my belly button. Haha. 

My "little" Elijah

Someone besides Mama is looking tired!

Then and now!

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