21 November 2013

Nesting and Cooking....A Busy Day!

Today was a super productive day for me! I was able to get some odds and ends done that I had hoped to complete in preparation for the twins as well as prepare some recipes that I had been wanting to try!  There is so much to do and my energy and stamina are dwindling so I am trying to take advantage of Elijah's naps and days proceeding a good night's sleep for me. Today both of those were in my favor!

My first project was diaper ointment. I make my own and Elijah is almost out, plus I wanted to have a decent supply so I am ready for the twins and can start them off using Mama's Homemade Fanny Ointment right away. It is cloth diaper safe and just awesome. I even made some to share with some friends of Chip's that just had a baby and are interested in cloth diapering! It is pretty easy to make but the process takes a few hours because there is a lot of cooking on low, waiting to cool etc. I ended up making 14 oz, 2 of which we will share so I am hoping that will be a good supply to get me through the first few months as a Mama of three!

Diaper ointment all ready for tiny tushies!
Next I had some recipes I really wanted to try. The first was for refrigerator pumpkin oatmeal. This is a recipe that require no cooking. You just mix the ingredients together, pop it in the fridge and it is ready to go! I am so excited to try it tomorrow morning.  I think this will be a great staple for this Mama who is going to be very busy feeding babies!

Oatmeal ready for the fridge!
I also wanted to try this recipe I found for oatmeal banana "cookies". These are vegan, gluten free and sugar free. A perfect snack for myself and Elijah! They are super easy to make and were a big hit! I'd love to make and freeze these for Elijah for after the babies come but I am not sure how they will fare in the freezer and they are so easy to make.  I'm glad I find a simple and super healthy baked good I can make for Elijah!
And he seemed pretty thrilled with the results.
So yummy!
They passed the Elijah test
He ate 3 of them right away! No wonder, this kiddo loves bananas!

The last thing that I did today was move most of Elijah's toys into the playroom (formerly the dining room). We want him to continue to hang out in the living room but I needed to get some of the clutter out to make room for Christmas decor and then a baby swing and bassinet. So while Elijah slept,  I moved his toys bins to the dining room to join his new shelves, his table and books. It felt great to get this done and even greater when he woke up and was not bothered by the change. I kept a few items in the living like his basketball net, playhouse and piano because this is his living room too and I want him to be with his family but now he has his own space downstairs and can bring toys into the living room to play with, putting things away before he brings more out.  He is actually great about cleaning up! Without being cued, he will clean up one canister of toys before asking to open another! A lot of times he still needs to be reminded but the fact that he sometimes does it on his own impresses the heck out of me!

Elijah's toy bin in its new home

His new set of shelves perfect for organizing toys! I love the canister storage because it makes it easy to enforce the clean up before you take out a new toy rule!

Our FIREPLACE! We haven't seen it in like a year! That is where the toy bin was located! 
 So it was a very busy day for this Mama! I am looking forward to my second Mothers of Multiples meeting tonight! I love these ladies and love the fellowship of other twin Mama's! When I get home, I will go to sleep on the futon in Elijah's room for what we plan to be the last time. I know we will sleep with him again but we decided that it is time to start getting him used to sleeping solo so he is ready to move to his own room, so starting tomorrow, Mama will be sleeping in the guest room. I think it will be harder on me than him!

Lots of changes going on in the Parish home! Elijah continues to take them all in stride. As for the rest of us, change is never easy but it will be so worth it to welcome these two sweet little boys into our family!

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