31 October 2014

Halloween, Pumpkins, festivals and Three Little Monkeys


We love getting into the spirit of the fall season in our house and for the Parish family, that includes enjoying all the fun aspects of Halloween. Chip still likes to enjoy the scary  movies and darker aspect whereas I prefer to keep it light and focus more on the fall and funny things that the kids will enjoy which we all enjoy as a family. Though I am thinking next year I may have to send Chip to a “haunted house” so he can get his scary “fix”. This year there was no shortage of fall celebration even  with the Texas heat (sometimes reaching 90 degrees)  trying to trick us into thinking it was still summer. This is the time of year I really start to get homesick and so savoring and sharing every taste of fall I can get with my family is so important to me.

I love getting cute photos in pumpkin patches and there was a nearby church that had a really cute set up including a spot for “My First Pumpkin Patch” photos. I don’t know if it was the hot weather or the fact that everyone was ready for a nap but this was an epic fail although we did manage to get a couple cute shots with the help of my good friend, Mallory.


Yeah…..this is pretty much the best of this background if that tells you anything. Lol.


I even wore stripes to match so we can get some Mama and kiddo pictures. Don’t you just hate when the day doesn’t live up to your vision.


One of the few smiles that morning in the arms of Miss Mallory


My stripey Elijah was excited to get his picture taken with the pumpkin farm animals


Managed a sweet Rory smile!


Sweet brothers. Rory adores his big brother.


Yup. This pretty much sums up the morning


Elijah enjoyed the “Frozen” themed pumpkins.


I did get a shot of them in these outfits at Grandmother’s house. I just love the striped theme.

One of the traditions at our church that has now become a Parish family tradition to attend, is the Spring Baptist Church Fall Festival. This took place the week before Halloween and was a great way to countdown to the fun holiday! The theme this year was super heroes and our whole family participated by dressing up, even the Reerah (what Elijah calls Grandmother)!


I busted out a cool vintage Wonder Woman shirt. Elijah was one of our little Batmen.


Elijah and Daddy as Batman!


Three super heroes just hanging out


Rory was the Superman to Grandmother’s Superwoman


My little P-funk (what I like to call Patrick) matched his Daddy and Big Brother as Batman!


As usual there were games, pony rides, yummy food and lots of fun!


I think this cool bouncy was Elijah’s favorite thing. I was so excited they were letting preschoolers ride!


It was a really fun (though hot!) day. I ended up being really glad I brought shorts for Elijah to change into.

Later in the week, I managed to do fall/Halloween photo shoots of the kids! This is something I did for Elijah’s first Halloween and I loved it! I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get enough cooperation to get all the shots I wanted this year but all three kids did really well. It is definitely not as easy getting these kinds of photos with three kids as it is with one. For one thing, I wanted individual pictures as well as group pictures and there is only so much each child can take. And I am not above bribing Elijah with normally forbidden treats in the name of family photos.


My cute little monkey enjoying his Halloween costume


My littlest monkey. I heart my Patrick!


Rory found his costume hilarious. That smile melts my heart!


Cute little Rory fanny


Patrick’s tiny heinie


Another cute one of Rory




Three cute little bums


LOVE getting the pumpkin shots! Here is a comparison shot with my first little pumpkin and his twin brothers. Elijah was six months old and the twins were a little over 8 1/2 months old.


Tiny little Patrick pumpkin



My Rory Pumpkin



These seems to be a Facebook favorite



Pumpkin carving and decorating is always something Chip and I enjoy doing together and with our family. This year, ended up doing my carving (the baby pumpkins) during the week and scraping the pumpkins (and roasting the seeds…YUM!) during the day while Chip was at work. Halloween fell on a Friday and with the warm weather, you have to carve pumpkins no sooner than a couple days before or risk rotting gourds. (Even with the bleachwater bath I gave the pumpkins after cleaning them out, they still got a little soft). So I happily did the prep work and Chip did his famous carving when he got home from work.  Elijah paints his pumpkins and this year I saw somewhere that a turquoise painted pumpkin indicates that you offer non food treats for friends with food sensitivities. I loved this idea and so I offered Elijah that color with which to paint his pumpkin and we made a sign for our door indicating the meaning of the painted pumpkin.


Daddy hard at work designing Elijah’s choice of a Bubble Guppies pumpkin, featuring Mr. Grouper.


Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Elijah is using his tools to “carve” a pumpkin like Daddy


Since we had no shortage of pumpkins (due to the two I cute leg holes in) Chip decided to carve an Ole Miss pumpkin for himself too.


My biggest boy loves to paint. He had fun coloring his little pumpkin.



Halloween finally arrived and we were all excited to dress up in our family costume. The kids were all monkeys. A friend suggested that since I babywear, it might be fun to coordinate and be a tree since the babies would be “hanging” from me so I made myself a hat and wore brown pants (a trunk) and a green shirt and leafy hat! Chip was the zoo keeper! We had a great time! Grandmother came and Miss Mallory came and joined us in our stroll through the neighborhood. Elijah loved going up the doors and saying “Rick or Treat!”. It was so precious and I have never heard Trick or Treat sound so adorable! The monkeys were a huge hit.


Elijah snuggling up with Daddy while we watch Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin before trick or treating.


My little monkey is all set for his first Halloween


Elijah was so excited when he saw “Reerah” pull up and we told him she was coming with us.


The Parish Family. Love it!


A little monkey and his zoo keeper


Two monkeys in a tree


I just love this jovial boy!


Love how my husband gets in the spirit of things!


Little Patrick was SO GOOD! He just smiled and laughed the whole time we walked around and he  never left my back. He is happiest when he is being worn.


Apparently we were trick or treating during Rory’s dinner time.


Elijah wanted his picture taken with the giant pumpkin! This kid loves pumpkins!


We loved having Miss Mallory with us! She never misses things important events for my kids!


Even though they are little these babies get heavy! It was nice to have extra hands to carry these monkeys!


When we got home, Elijah changed into his special jack o lantern pjs and helped hand out candy.

Then after he went to bed, Mommy and Daddy put out his candy for the Pumpkin Fairy! The Pumpkin Fairy takes your candy but leaves a few of your favorites and a few small gifts! We love that the Pumpkin Fairy comes to our house because she knows we don’t eat all that candy! And Elijah loves the presents!


The first half of the fall season was so much fun and we are excited to enjoy and count down to Thanksgiving now! Welcome November!

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