24 October 2014

A New Tradition: Dating My Husband At Home


Chip and I are pretty lucky. Since his parents (The Senior Parishes) live only about 25 minutes away, we actually get to go out on dates every month or so since the twins became reluctantly willing to occasionally take a bottle of pumped milk.  Still, we have started to feel, lately like it would be nice to have some fun and intentional time together once a week. And so, date night at home was born. I am super excited about this new family “tradition”! The basic idea is that we take turns. Every other week we each of a turn to pick an activity to do at home after the kids (or at least 2/3 of the kids) go to bed. It could be a game, a movie, whatever. The activity is predetermined so when we are ready to start, there is no sitting there trying to pick. The intention is that the chooser has the other one in mind when choosing and so it is a thoughtful choice that both of us will enjoy. The person not choosing the activity gets to pick out and prepare snacks for us to have. So we both get to pick something every week.  I am so in love with this idea! We had our first Friday Date Night At Home this week. Chip chose 90’s Trivial Pursuit….a game that we used to really enjoy but haven’t played in several years. I picked the snack. I made a grain free crusted dairy free chocolate silk pie that is TO DIE FOR.  Between the two of us we ate half the pie and I would say the first (of many) dates at home was a success!!! We did have a little party crasher join us for the beginning but were able to get our one on one time before long. I am already thinking of ideas for this coming week!


Between you and me I was in yoga pants and no make up all day but that would not do for our date! I was excited to to make myself handsome (as Elijah calls me) for our date and put on some make up!


My handsome date!


My almost as handsome party crasher!


Love you Chip Parish. Thanks for an awesome “first” date! Mwah!

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