26 October 2014

Elijah Turns 2 1/2


It has been a while since I have done an update on Elijah and so I thought him turning two and a half was a great reason! This little boy is just such a joy to have in our home and in our family. He fills our home with sunshine and laughter. He is loving and kind. He is smart and generous. He is just such a cool kid and I feel blessed daily that he calls me Mommy.

Elijah became officially potty trained about a month ago. We had tried about one day a month for several months and although he got the knack of it pretty easily, he was not quite ready to give up diapers. Then about a month ago, he was just ready. The first few days we had some accidents but we quickly decided to ditch the diapers altogether, even at nighttime, and it just worked for us. He will have an occasional mishap if he allows himself to get too distracted but even those are pretty few and far between at this point.  I’m so proud of him. He just sort of owned the potty concept and it wasn’t even really that stressful of a process for any of us. Way to go Elijah!

Elijah’s language continues to explode.  Conversations with him are full of detail, memories, imagination and original ideas. He is such a smart little guy. And he has an awesome sense of humor. He has been speaking in full (long) sentences for quite some time and every day he is (correctly) using words that I didn’t even know he knew. He still uses some of his pet names like even though he can say them correctly, he refers to Wrigley as “Rea” and Grandmother as “Reerah”. He used to call Granmumsy “Biboppy” but that seems to have gone away and I have to admit, it makes me a little sad. Chip and I have even taken to calling Wrigley, Rea because we are just not ready for that to go away.

I began structured learning with Elijah at the end of August and he can now identify 48 sight words and we are going to begin working on sight word easy reader books and phonics sometime in the next month. He is able to apply his counting to objects and really seems to enjoy developing his school skills.

Elijah loves to help and so we decided that it was time to introduce chores!  Elijah loves his chores which include watering the plants outside, setting the table, vacuuming (using our mini dirt devil stand up) and helping empty the dishwasher. He is also the first to drop everything and come running to help clean up if I make a mess.

He is continuing to thrive in his swim class and is able to swim under water with minimal help. He LOVES his teacher, Miss Micah and talks about her all week long. He is still enjoying his Gymboree class and I see him developing friendships with some of the other children. I love watching him at Gymboree because I love to watch the kind way he interacts with other children. Elijah rarely needs to be reminded to share and I just adore seeing him sweetly pick up a toy and give it to a classmate.

In Elijah I see so much empathy. If anyone is hurt or upset, his instinct is to walk over and offer a comforting touch. He has such a beautiful sweet heart. And that aspect of his personality spills over into how he treats his little brothers. He is kind, gentle and caring and we are so blessed to have him set a beautiful example for our smallest boys.

Elijah, Daddy and I love you so much. And even if you were not our son, I know both of us would want to be around you all the time.

I love documenting my kiddos with photos and Elijah has not really been into being photographed as much lately but today, he sweetly obliged me! I dressed him in a cute PJ set that belonged to his daddy!


Such a big boy!


That smile is so full of joy.



I winked at Elijah and this is what he does in return. He thinks he is winking. SO CUTE!




I made Elijah a “Half Birthday” cake today and made some mini cupcakes with the leftover batter. He enjoyed one of these as a reward (bribe) for letting me take his picture. Heehee.


He was pretty pleased with Mama’s famous gluten free, sugar free but still yummy cupcakes!


“I hold Patrick. You take pic please Mommy”


He loves his brother so much! (with Patrick)



The “Half Birthday” cake. I baked one nine inch round cake and cut it in half.


We sang “A Very Merry Unbirthday” from Alice In Wonderland


Kisses from Daddy!



This boy loves his cake.


It was such a fun celebration. And Elijah really enjoyed talking about being TWO AND HALF!

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