02 October 2014

Rory and Patrick are 8 Months Old!


Our sweet littlest littles are eight months old. I can hardly believe it. These precious boys have graced us with their presence for 3/4 of a year and I cannot remember or imagine life without them. We have some tough days but those sweet smiling faces and the incredible showers of affection and love make every touch second worth it. Both these boys, like their big brother, love life and enjoy exploring the world and people around them. They especially adore eachother and their big brother, Elijah. There is a lot of hugging, kissing and gentle face touching going on between brothers in this house! I love being a mama of three….especially THESE three! So sweet.

Rory: As of this morning, Rory is weighting in at 16 pounds 12 ounces.  My sweet smiling boy continues to be ever so jovial and jolly. When he is well rested and fed, he is smiling and happy. He still loves his Mama and I imagine will continue to be quite the mama’s boy.  He loves to cuddle and give big open  mouth kisses on my cheek and face. And although he is mostly happy, lately we have been dealing with some sleep issues and as a result Mama has not been getting more than about 4 broken hours a night.  I believe it is related to his developmental leaps or “Wonder Weeks” as they are called. He will go to sleep around 8 but then he wakes up around 11 or so and just won’t settle. I rush him out of the nursery so he doesn’t wake Patrick and Rory and will often times go downstairs. Sometimes, if he just seems wide awake, I will let him play for a little bit and sometimes he and I will cuddle and he will eventually settle and we fall asleep together. Other than the sleep issues, Rory is just a fun little baby. He loves to explore and will crawl all over the house if permitted. He loves his big brother’s play room. He also love to follow Mama around the kitchen. This could be partially due to the fact that he loves to nurse and is still exclusively breast fed. Still no solids for our twin boys.   He started pulling up a couple of weeks ago and cruising a few days after that. I believe we may see some first steps in the next month or so. He loves to babble and says “Mama” all the time now. He loves to hang upside down and has an awesome sense of humor. He was my date on a night out to the movies with some mom friends and there was an ad with some animated penguins before the movie began and he started laughing really loud at the penguins. I love his funny, sweet little personality. It reminds me so much of Elijah at this age. Though Rory is definitely his own person. This month, Rory started riding in the seat of the grocery cart next to Elijah (when we are in a store that has a double seat) and he seems to really love the world from this perspective. Though he is a smaller guy so if we are out without Elijah, I will have to put a blanket in with him so he doesn’t have so much room. This little boy is such a joy.  He brings so much sunshine into our already sunny home. Such a beautiful blessing.

Patrick: Our tiny boy weighs in at 15 pounds 3 ounces.  Patrick is still such a sweet, gentle, contemplative soul. He is intentional with his movement and vocal play.  He says “Mama” so sweetly, not just when he is upset but just like he is having a casual conversation with me. He LOVES to play the piano and is content to sit on the floor in front of our toy piano for 20 minutes at a time softly stroking the keys with individual fingers. Patrick loves to be worn and spends hours a day being carried on my back as I go about the daily grind of home management.  Patrick has become such a strong nursling and no other distraction will do when he wants to eat. He will turn in his head in frustration at anything but Mama’s breast though Chip recently got him to take a bottle when Mama and Rory had a night out and we are THRILLED that Patrick finds this acceptable on occasion.  Patrick continues to be a great sleeper and super easy to put down. If he has a full tummy, I can put him in his crib with his elephant lovey to snuggle and he will go right to sleep and stay that way. As long he as gets enough to eat, he is happy to oblige my desires for his sleep. And he gave his Daddy no trouble either on the night when I left him home with Chip and Elijah.  Patrick is proving to be quite easy going and adaptable. Patrick started pulling up about a week and a half ago and cruising pretty much the same day. He likes to pull up on the piano and the busy zoo. He also likes to explore the house through crawling but really is so happy to be worn most of the afternoon. He still has these cute and funny little mannerisms,especially with his legs. His legs and feet are very expressive, almost like a puppy dog wagging its tail, Patrick will swing and kick his legs when he is happy.  As I type this, I am nursing him and he is swinging his feet happily.  Patrick now LOVES to get his diaper changed and will laugh and giggle when it is being done. I’m not sure what changed but he finds it hilarious and enjoyable. He loves to be held and talked to and is not at all picky about who has him. He really seems to enjoy a variety of people. And dogs. Patrick still LOVES all dogs. I love that I can already see such kindness and gentleness in him.  Those big brown eyes just melt my  heart and I love having a little boy that looks like me.

My sweet twin boys, you are so amazing. You were meant for our family and we were meant for you. Your big brother loves you so much and Mama and Daddy can’t imagine life without you.


Sweet Rory…..EIGHT MONTHS OLD!!!!


A typical Rory smile


Funny little boy wearing the “Ernie” hat he wore at big brother’s birthday party.


Always cracking up about something!


“Mama you are TOO FUNNY”



Sweet and gentle Patrick


Wearing his “Burt” hat


There’s that smile!

Spotting his big brother, Elijah


“I’m outta here!”


There is nothing like little boys in overalls


I just love that SMILE!


My little Burt and Ernie


I LOVE these of them looking at one another. Heart melt!



I love how Rory is leaning over to see Patrick’s face.




Here are just a few cute shots I got of the boys playing with the piano….








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