30 October 2014

When “Because I Said So” is Dumb



Elijah has been asking me if he could go swimming and I have been saying things like

“No, summer is over”.

“No, it is fall”.

“No, swimming is all done”.

Within hours or maybe even minutes of these statements, I have been complaining how Houston does not have a fall and how homesick I get this time of year as I looking longingly at the weather forecast of 50 degree highs for my hometown. Then I am ready to cry as I look at Houston’s forecast of highs 80-90 degrees. Yesterday I realized how silly it was for me to even think of putting up Elijah’s swimming pool yet! I have been saying no because I keep telling myself it is fall and we will be getting a cold front “any day now” but really there is no reason my oldest and his baby brothers cannot continue to enjoy summer water activities and probably enjoy them even more now that the heat is actually tolerable and doesn’t send you running inside to the air conditioner. Don’t get me wrong, it is still way TO HOT for this time of year but it reminds me of the pleasant early summer months in good ole PA when humidity isn’t too bad and there are only a few hours a day when you long for a cool shady retreat from the sun. Yes, if you take the fact that it IS fall out of the equation it is really quite pleasant out and there is NO GOOD REASON (not even because I said so) that my child can’t enjoy some swimming fun. And so, yesterday I decided to embrace this oven of a city that I live in and make swimming a part of our fall and maybe even Halloween tradition! And let me tell you, the look of shear elation on Elijah’s face as he walked outside and ran to the pool had me floating on cloud nine for hours afterwards! And it made me think and wonder if there was anything else I was saying “no” to that really should be a “yes”.









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